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strange... I have no recollection of Otaking making that... I do remember he did something like that with Doctor Who.

that almost looks like how I envisioned "Mewthree" would look like back in the days when kids around the school spread false rumors about secret Pokemon before the internet was common

the Doctor Who one I wasn't TOO bothered by... but I felt instead of introducing a lost 8.5 regeneration, which confuses the numbering now, they could've had McGann reprise as 8 while teaming up with 10 and 11.

While yeah, it's been disappointing they're giving us a trickle of episodes every year, I felt the 50th

it could very well be, I'm almost willing to bet the Titans were some kind of bioweapon for a war that happened generations ago people have eventually forgotten due to a lack of knowledge of their distant history and they're just running rampant... possibly gradually gaining awareness or being controlled by another

Toonami is aware for the demand for the show to be aired on their block, it may be VERY likely we may see a dub sometime this upcoming year

I'm not seeing Cartoon Network's Fusionfall on that list... from what I've heard, the servers shut down since August.

fingers crossed it becomes some kind of patch where you can toggle it with a cheat code or something

I'd also like to add in "big budgets =/= bigger profits"

If the movie piques enough interest for ticket sales in their advertising, the story is good enough for word-of-mouth recommendations, keeping the special effects budget cheap while making it look passable enough that it looks big-budget AND the actors are

you have the OPTION to go between third or first-person, so... close enough?

reminds me of this game... but this indie game seems more fun and actually playable

if you're a pet-owner and especially a dog-owner and lover at any point in your life, that's exactly how you're supposed to feel

I'm left to assume Christa miscarried between that 16 month timeskip, presumably due from her immense grief and stress regarding Omid's death, having to survive without him and having to have Clem tag along while subconsciously blaming her throughout... a tragedy, but then again, I questioned the couple remotely

huh... didn't realize until now, but the original commercial showed absolutely NO footage of Link to the Past and even the title lacked the "Triforce of the Gods" subtitle, probably wasn't finalized at that point... yet the new commercial is nothing but game footage.

man, inflation sucks :/ I even remember comic books were $1.25 and now they're priced at $3.00 or higher... and I know they were initially priced at a nickel decades ago.

Hasbro welcomes with open arms audiences outside of their intended demographic while Warner Brothers spurns the audiences outside of their intended demographic.

This is a disturbing trend.

I like how the cheetah keeps up with the dog's pace from behind, holding back on her full speed... or a good chance the cheetah isn't even aware of her potential

I totally would've been this kid had I not used my Genesis almost exclusively for Sonic games...

oh wow... mode 7 for Robotnik raising his drills up in Mystic Cave and the special stage's frame rate actually looks smooth as if it's really 3D...

considering Valkyrie may replace the need to send out human guinea pigs to Mars with no chance of a return flight, Valkyrie really is the "robot for everyone"