
you expecting long eyelashes, a frilly dress and a pink bow on her head?

this is news to me, I replay that mission only just to be able to drive around the limited amount of road they allow you drive in toward the cemetery... if there's a glitch to be able to freely explore offline, I'd love to see if I can pull it off... or hope future DLC allows Ludendorff be a normally explored area

man, if only there was a way to explore this in single-player mode... I just can't be bothered to pay for XBL access to play GTAO right now :/

everything starting from the Game Boy I can vividly remember being quite a craze in most of those respective years...

But really? Pogos got big in 2001...? I would've assumed Big Mouth Billy Bass was the "it" thing back then.

I sort of like Miiverse... it's kinda like Swapnote, but more public.

...I'll always still miss Nikki and her messages though

I'm sure this isn't what Dreamworks meant with "How to Train your Dragon"

it comes off more like that Konami code in later Gradius games where it makes your ship self-destruct

as one of the presumably few people who legitimately enjoyed FF8 and acknowledge its flaws, I'm at least glad 13 exists to show people that it could be worse.

seems better off used as an accessory for your action figures rather than a phone-dangler

what baffles me is supposedly he did the role of Tails when he was 11 years old and he died this year at 48... either he was lying about his age in his later years, or he had one HELL of a late puberty as a kid...

to be fair, at least Square didn't do that smoothing effect emulators had (and even Sega used with their Genesis Collection) under the guise of "look, it's HD!" while hiding the fact they put in the absolute minimal work behind it. least Captain Lou Albano (Mario) and Long John Baldry (Robotnik) are with familiar company now :<

in my first playthrough, I assumed Shiek was Link's mom who we were told died taking him to the Great Deku Tree.

Now playing

I always loved the PS1's startup... oddly it reminds me a lot of THX

seems it's based on that TV series which makes a lot of self-referential jokes taking potshots at itself, which was actually briefly popular for a time.

Not many boss fights these days feel as satisfying as the bosses from games from back in the day. Nowadays it's either some beefed up henchman with extra health and strength or a series of quicktime events or a pattern you perform ad nauseum until its health is depleted.

my own memories of the Dreamcast was not owning one at all, but wishing I did when I was in middle school. I obsessively played the Sonic games on the Genesis for years and wanted to play the new ones since I was mainly a Sega kid during the 16-bit console wars.

Ha, ha, ha, ha