
huh... I noticed FireRed/LeafGreen has Red with an NES and HeartGold/SoulSilver has Gold with a Wii... that's quite a timeskip difference compared to the original Red/Blue and Gold/Silver games.

I've fondly remembered the SNES one in the Red/Blue days... it even mentioned a game where Mario had a bucket on his head... which for years as a kid I thought it was some sort of in-joke, but learned it was referencing Mario & Wario which never was released in the US apparently.

I like how the ending of LttP said The Master Sword sleeps again... FOREVER!

I liked when they introduced the Mayans, but then suddenly they just disappeared... then there was a buildup over a supposed prophecy they made for 2012, but that ended up being as disappointing as that Y2K buildup.

Didn't they sort of do that with MGS4? You briefly played around a PS1-esque Shadow Moses segment before snapping back into the present... then suddenly you're given a mask that looks like the lo-poly Snake model

after the first movie came out, I wanted to see how it continued... I really got bored and nearly fell asleep during the first 3 or 5 chapters as it was the group just walking and walking and WALKING...

I've been itching for a new Starfox for a while, kinda wondering what direction they'd take it in what with all those multiple endings in Command... or if they'd just flat-out reboot it a second time

you can, you just have to go out of your way to find your itunes folder and just cut or copy/paste the mp3s to wherever you want

It was out since before the SNES, yes. Though considering Nintendo's booming popularity with the NES, the Genesis/Megadrive was mostly overlooked until the SNES came out and Sega fought back with Sonic.

I honestly wouldn't mind if the first two Metal Gear games for the MSX were remade to be like the current games, maybe fleshed out a little more and still be able to tie the prequels and sequels together neatly.

the sad part is that stealing is MANDATORY if you're playing the DX version of the game if you want to collect every single photo the photographer takes during your travels

They've done something fun with bees.

and it's pretty much always been that way, at least starting from Mario Kart 64 with the whole rubber-band AI and items being progressively useless the further up to first place you are.

it's fun if you're just racing with friends for the fun of it, but as an actual competitive game, it's a bit of a joke.

I've only found a tutorial to replicate it in still images to make fake screenshots, but I'll have to dig through a bit more to do the same thing with videos... I've always liked that old retro, blurry/fuzzy look since most of my childhood had me recording and playing things on a VCR throughout the 90's

I've not found any tutorials for that anywhere when I fiddled with After Effects during my time in college... if I still have no luck finding anything regarding that, recording to my VCR and then back to my computer (and repeat several times to deteriorate the quality further if needed) should suffice.

I really need to learn how to do something like this... I've no idea if it's an After Effects trick or they're actually using a VHS with actual vintage video editing software

or even an option to report malicious users having their accounts tied to Nintendo's site, it'd be fairly easy for Nintendo to pinpoint and report to law officials of certain users... at least in theory

a means to moderate and flag users for inappropriate content could've been a great important update for the program, rather than let some people ruin it for everyone else :/

doesn't the WiiU have something like that with their Miiverse program?

oh man, this is kinda bringing me back to when Goldeneye did that back in the day... I sort of miss it, if for the hilarious absurdity seeing all those funny faces perpetually stuck that way no matter what's happening

Final Fantasy Pokemon X