
what really annoys me the most is videogames and movies both have a habit of using single-word titles for the past decade or more... Instead of creative/descriptive titles, people seem to be attempting to exhaust as many words in the dictionary as they can.

it admittedly WAS kind of clever for its time as the number 7 looked like a sideways-V...

Yet fully operational no less. It's a bit bizarre when at the end of episode 3, construction was well under way having the basic framework done and it's finally finished and working by the time Luke was a young adult, but it took like 2 years to get a second, even bigger version done.

I know it was explained sabotage,

and somehow it took far, FAR less time to nearly complete the Death Star 2, which supposedly was bigger and stronger than the original

Nintendo removes Swapnote because people drew/shared inappropriate stuff. That'd be like if Google shut itself down because of its own image search.

and of course it's for Android version 3.0 and above... at this point I'm better off having a PC version of the app or something

I kind of imagine the Australian and German versions are about the same way in terms of edits... doesn't seem to interfere with the overall experience that much in order to satisfy their censors... given if they even allowed the game to be sold in their respective lands at all.

that's somewhat of a shame, I can pretty much imagine an official Mario game with fully customized levels akin to the all of the romhacks of Mario World I've seen around Youtube players can create and share with one another as people rate them as enjoyable or a waste of time.

I saw the Espurr one the other night and I can't stop laughing at how over-the-top and well done it is

to ease the guilt, you can just name Fennekin or Vulpix: Crazy Red, Zigzagoon: Tom Nook (or Timmy or Tommy), Stoutland: Isabelle, Girafarig: Gracie, Shaymin: any of the Able sisters and Noctowl: Blathers

I came up with the name sometime around 2000 or so... I really loved Final Fantasy 8 and noticed the habit they had with the antagonists going by their title followed by their name (Sorceress Edea, Sorceress Adel, Sorceress Ultimecia) and combined it with my love of Arthurian literature taking the name Lancelot and

maybe I'm an optimist... but maybe wars would be fought using robots as pawns without needlessly sacrificing human lives.

meanwhile, Japan treats Oda Nobunaga as their Abe Lincoln to go batshit crazy with in their fiction

This is extremely concerning... considering Cartoon Network has been practically making it no secret that it wants nothing but comedies on their channel as they either never pick up action shows or they just cancel them prematurely.

eh... *shrug* regardless of the facts, it's still sadistically satisfying combining leech seed with nearly any other status deficiency against your opponents with Bulbasaur and his evolutions

I went with Bulbasaur and I never regretted the decision then and I don't regret choosing him again now. It's so satisfying combining leech seed with another status deficiency

at least we had kind of a half-assed ending with Sonic 3 before Sonic & Knuckles acted as a part 2/Director's Cut

I kinda miss the flamethrower being a weapon you could actually use... the PS2-era games had them as well as all the top-down games (including Chinatown Wars) yet oddly absent in IV and V... only way to set people on fire is with molotovs and the gas tank

It's kind of odd they start you off with the running shoes even though you're wearing your PJs, then given roller blades and then a bicycle... so you can switch between normal speed, fast speed, faster speed and fastest speed.

and getting Exp Share is also kind of nice I suppose, I'm used to letting my weak Pokemon be

what you're thinking of is dogfights and cockfights, which exist and are horrible spectacles. Like ancient Roman Gladiators in the Colosseum, only not as glorious.