
I've been sort of the same way really, I really got into the series during the Red/Blue days when it was new and it was the hottest thing to get into when I was in middle school... the target demographic at the time.

wait a minute... I just got it

everything else besides the standard radio stations are the whole two channels on TV... I even managed to see that Jack Howitzer documentary via the in-game internet which you also see on TV anyway. I was kinda bummed Robot Princess Bubblegum is missing

dude, you could burp and fart on command with the press of a button... that already made GTA2 great :3

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pretty much had this song on repeat the whole time

h.... how are they able to drive a car without any arms or legs??

they're calling it a stimulus package? oddly topical, if slightly dated.

oh man, this looks CRAZY fun... I guess once the servers are more stabilized and the glitches are ironed out, I might actually get a Live subscription after all

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on-rails arcade shooter? horrendous voice acting? made by Sega?


those kind of triangle sunglasses have been around in anime and videogames for a while, usually reserved for punk-type characters

well, the Pokerap did subtly mention in their lyrics "At least 150 or more to see."

and actually stopping and paying money to refuel at gas stations, as much as I like the tradition of infinite fuel in GTA games, I feel it might be more interesting if there was a limit as the infinite fuel lives on as a cheat code.

I'm noticing it kind of does the whole Spiderman thing where the lines they're swinging from seemingly latch onto the sky... not that I'm complaining, the game looks great. Hoping it comes to the west once Funimation dubs it and eventually Toonami airs it.

As much of a Sonic fan as I am, the concept of lives and continues just feels horrendously outdated... Games these days let you continue from the same level where you left off anyway, not kick you back at the title screen like back in the day.

Brawl was fun getting it out of our system of the 16-bit console war days pitting Sonic vs Mario finally... and now with him back alongside Megaman, it should be fun to somewhat recreate the recent crossover from the Archie comics.

seconded, though technically the thunder shield was a double-jump (a default for all Smash characters) and the fire shield was a dashing attack not unlike the homing attack... I at least hope his arial down+B doesn't make him spindash in midair and he does his bubble shield/Sonic Adventure 2 bounce attack instead.