
I've noticed your character can get visibly wet as the color of their clothes get darker and somewhat reflective after swimming and climbing to some ground... though granted, I'm pretty sure that little extra was around since GTA4, it feels it lingers a little bit longer in 5 before it dries up on its own.

I noticed that too, seamless streaming loading up each island... no brief break to take a sip of your favorite drink or whatever

I've only 100% Vice City and got that last shirt that brags about completing the game

is it really any coincidence the image is a double-facepalm also having one of those notorious ads that use sex appeal to attract male gamers?

tough call... Michael has a successful life though trying to fix things with his family as Franklin wants to better himself as a person not wanting to stay in the ghetto his whole life... Trevor's a loose cannon who's fun to play as because any and all crazy things you do in GTA is completely in his character.

I skipped out on Black/White since I was satisfied with Heart Gold being a remake on what I felt for years was the pinnacle of the series... I may get X and later get Black sometime maybe

supposedly it's also downloadable on the 3DS eshop, but the ratings are kind of "meh"... I'm not sure if it's because it's a terrible port, or new gamers dislike the dated gameplay.

Now playing

Man, 17 years... I still remember being in middle school when this random VHS tape came in the mail talking about this weird, new thing called Pokemon made by Nintendo. I wondered "who's Pokemon and what's this all about?" before popping it in.

do you consider Mighty No 9 to take place in the same world established in the Megaman/Rockman games, or is this a completely different continuity/universe?

I learned the bush one on my own after noticing my icon on the GPS grayed out, the wind turbine is definitely one I gotta try out.

wasn't this already discussed before with MGS4? I remember an article mentioning Hideo thinking about removing the iconic exclamation points for the then-new game citing wanting realism, but kept it in to satisfy fans for tradition's sake...

huh, and here I thought Rockstar settled that in Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare campaign where you encounter one and even get an achievement that subtly jabs at fans that tried to look for him in San Andreas years prior.

why shoot animals when I can just run them down with a firetruck?

the citizens of Townsville, Australia seemed to have no issues with the name of their city being used in the Powerpuff Girls cartoon

lordy, I knew the development cost being over 200 million was pretty high, but making the money back four times in 24 hours is impressive as hell... I under-estimated the hype, not that I'm complaining, I've been loving the game so far.

as per tradition, I usually play with cheats only after I finish the main story mode for added replayability as I cause havoc in the game. It's no fun to start a game and be given everything to you, I want to work for it as a reward.

in the 1940's, they blamed jazz
in the 1950's, they blamed rock & roll
in the 1960's, they blamed hippies
in the 1970's, they blamed movies
in the 1980's, they blamed comics books
in the 1990's, they blamed rap/hiphop
and today for the time being before they think up something new to blame, it's gonna be videogames

It's pretty much Red Dead Redemption, only taking place in modern day. The same way people explain Red Dead Redemption being GTA in the wild west.

As much as I want him to age to show the passage of time, maybe Nintendo wants to keep it trapped in time much like how the Simpsons NEVER age except in the rare what-if future scenarios.

huh... Mona too? This is completely news to me... and I wasn't sure if she did Peach in other games during the N64 era, considering she kept sounding different in Mario Kart 64 and the Mario Party games.