
“We’re keeping things confidential until we’re ready to share them with the world,” says Treehouse manager Leslie Swan, who is also the voice of Princess Peach. “We work really closely with the development teams to make sure that no information gets out before it’s ready.”

every time I hear someone call it the "Xbone", the first thing that comes to mind is the skull and crossbones

I loved 8, but yeah, being unable to go back to most of the locales was a serious downer once you reached the fourth disk :/ It's better to save before the Seifer or Sorceress Adel fight at the end of disk 3, any other event after is the point of no return while you have another save file to continue the story on the

I'm at least satisfied they confirmed that KH3 is being worked on, instead of making yet another side story that adds another complex layer in what was originally a more straightforward story that may or may not add much to the overall experience.

aaaaugh, I freaking loved Chinatown Wars and I still play it on occasion. A damn shame it didn't sell so well on the DS... I'm actually more curious how much more awesome it would've looked had Rockstar waited for the 3DS to come out.

I was kind of hoping to see San Fierro and Las Venturas again... oh well.

Also, I'm getting kind of sick of the trend of having the usage of the ocean being the border to these large maps making it a gigantic island. It made sense with Vice City, but I was expecting it to be like Red Dead Redemption where cliffs are in

sounds like a potential thing to fix/add in an updated version of the goggles; miniature air conditioning... which could potentially double as having you feel the environment's temperatures

...well, this is INSANELY concerning... my own team just had a successful crowdfunding on IndieGoGo a few months ago and we planned on having another once the demo to the game was finished and released...

clearly they're going back to using "Nintendo Entertainment System"

it's gold-plated!

the graphics look amazing, but it's gonna suck to not be able to reach out and touch them. I guess until tech gets amazing enough to fool our senses to have us believe we're physically interacting with them, porn where you're acting as the creepy voyeur is gonna be the norm with this kind of tech.

fourth? I know there was the GBC game and the DSi game... I thought this was the third?

getting the stealth tool and randomly smacking guards, confusing them and unable to call on their radio for backup until they collapse from being punch-drunk

considering Steve Blum voiced Spike in Cowboy Bebop and Mugen in Samurai Champloo, I'm kinda hoping they get him to voice the main character for this series to keep the tradition of having Steve Blum voice the lead in Watanabe's works

main downside with Hulu is the unskippable ads (if you're the kind of guy who hates ad breaks, even though Hulu's ads are less than half the ad time you'd see on TV) and it's exclusive to the US, so sucks for everyone else... and Netflix constantly removes things without any prior warning.

I always figured it was more like it was the world map set out as a pattern into an endless grid on a flat plane... explaining why the sun/clouds (if visible) never seemed to go away and is always there, no matter how many times you "circle" the world... also explaining why it's always perpetually daytime nearly every

yeah, I personally miss the old weekday afternoon block they used to have before being shoved aside to Saturday evenings mid-2000 before being cancelled entirely.

I'll admit I enjoyed the game despite not watching the original anime series that much, it was fun for a sorta-launch title for the Gamecube, but my God, the difficulty spike in that mission gave me such frustration as a teen.

You forced me to use cheat codes to finally get past it so I can be beefed up in that armor

it's been back on the air since last year, it's on Adult Swim Saturdays at midnight... unless you don't live in America, then you're missing out :/