
it's all about exploding lemons these days anyway

huh, like a mix of Asteroids and Geometry Wars... weapons seem cool, but the main thing I thought was a neat addition was the little dash dodge mechanic.

oh man, Robotech Battlecry... actually decent game... until you reach that mission where you have to escort that one ship through space debris against a dozen of enemies, most of which you can't find/see or can't reach fast enough before they destroy the escort ship.

unfortunately my PC currently doesn't have the specs to run Skyrim, so I'm holding off on getting that game until I can afford to upgrade it, but I'll definitely look into the mods.

and "the game is so long, you might stop caring about wanting to see the ending"

"the clap" is slang for Gonorrhea, which CAN be caught in the throat through oral sex

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Admittedly, after seeing this review over a decade ago, I always wanted to try Morrowind out.

those days need to come back, absurd cheat codes you can unlock and play around with sprinkled in a deceptively serious game is always fun.

I remember that, though it was a screenshot of Marill kids that had internet access way back in the late 90's printed out that had everyone assume it was a Pikablu way before Gold/Silver came out in the west.

I remember thinking this theory was too outlandish years ago, but it makes a degree of sense, considering how closely in sync the moon's rotation is with the earth's. Still though, it's an interesting theory nonetheless.

that's my usual stance on it, I can understand if it's a single animator taking shortcuts to get their idea out there and not take years and years for the sake of quality (unless they're OCD and are willing to drive themselves crazy), but a team? I'm gonna bet a low budget and/or tight schedule would explain crap on

actually, 24 frames was the norm (now it's 30fps what with flash being the main go-to animation software), usually you animate in twos (meaning every frame of animation takes up two frames) as the fast-moving sequences you animate in ones (every frame of animation).

pretty much, though later games are trying to make it longer to make it more "worthwhile" to players who bought a game for 50-60 bucks expecting to get more than their money's worth... but I'm digressing, it is pretty much the atmosphere as you said, having it as a series could work as a suspense/thriller sort of genre

a lot of stuff back in our day was good, but there was also a fair share of bad stuff too, again, it mainly depends on the budget and the tools given. Stuff like Rescue Rangers, Gummi Bears and most other Disney shows had superb animation likely because of Disney's deep pockets and other stuff like Rugrats, Hey Arnold

it could, but at the same time, it looks pretty much finished, just personally it would've looked better at 24 fps or something

it's kind of a given for anime made on a weekly basis, it just depends on the budget and their deadlines, there's a bunch of reasons why animators take shortcuts, it's not entirely due to laziness.

Actually, that's long been a staple of animation, not limited to anime. Usually to both look dynamic and to save animation work/time. If it's too overused, it becomes more and more obvious the animator(s) is getting lazy.

looks neat, though I'm kind of bothered it's animated at like, 12 frames per second, kind of like a Flash cartoon from early 2000 to cater to dialup users but... in HD apparently?

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truth be told, I never played the NES game... just the Game Boy port which is for the most part, the same experience... just monochrome.