
it's the game's ending, though you're given the opportunity to replay the entire game on a higher difficulty (mainly goombas are replaced by the the black beetle enemies and some enemies are faster) and if you beat that mode, you're told "Congratulations! You're a super player!" by Princess Toadstool/Peach

ah man, this would've been nice a few months ago when I had to delete Mighty Switch Force to make room for stuff... oh well, I've been having fun replaying it anyway :P

Now playing

I will say this; seeing the Sony/Microsoft feud at E3 brought me back to the 16-bit console wars... man, those were fun times, I was sort of hoping for more of the same, but this move will likely end that.

ditto here, the whole finding the pieces on the map, pulling them up from the sea and paying Tingle an ungodly amount of rupees every time was the only thing that killed the fun of Wind Waker.
Honestly, making new dungeons where you find the Triforce pieces at the end of each one would've been a little more

I'd be at least satisfied hearing David Hayter surprising us all showing up as a young Solid Snake getting ready for his big mission Intrude N313 (Metal Gear for the MSX/NES) by the game's epilogue.

Not the first series that started lighthearted and goofy, then decided for a dark and more serious storyline... Dragonball and ReBoot come to mind

been reading since issue 0 of the original mini-series, back when Sally was a blond and had orange fur :P

Way to reply to a 2-year old comment.

I know, but I was simplifying it to those that haven't read the comics since the very beginning, or rather pre-Endgame. He's still considered Robotnik with the nickname of Eggman, much like with Miles Prower being best known as Tails.

that actually gets vaguely referenced in this very issue

Actually, he's still called Eggman and Robotnik interchangeably, basically to satisfy both old and new readers and for consistency's sake. Robotnik is his real name while Eggman's his nickname he's been adopting lately, much like in the games.

Now playing

meanwhile, we have Attack on Christopher Walken to counter this

let's not forget the Adventures of WEELEE

watching the upcoming mods for this will be GLORIOUS

It's the Forest of Illusion, unless you've played the game so much and memorized all the exits, I honestly can't blame them for being kinda stuck there. I think we all have when we first played.

Wow, so you totally missed out the fun Sonic Advance games on the Game Boy Advance then. As much as I missed the fun of the 16-bit console wars, that feud was long over.

Whoa, that looks pretty. Kind of a shame it doesn't work on the original PC release of the game, unless I'm wrong...?

I've had the PC version for years on multiple disks. Yeah the character models are high-resolution, but the backgrounds remain muddy and pixellated. The biggest issue I had was the usage of midi instead of the instruments used on the PS1 version.

it makes sense if the game is fairly simple with not many buttons to use, much like most platformers back in the 8 and 16-bit era... just fiddling with the buttons at your disposal in the first level or having a pause menu to refer to the controls would have you figure out the basics.

yeah, 9 would've been perfect if they didn't overly-complicate the simple if brilliant idea they had with 8's card game. I heard 10 wasn't much better with its variation