
so I guess instead of having southern England be barely seen in the north-west part of the map, they just decided to move Stonehenge to France? cards that you can earn and later trade for better things?

man, Snatcher gets too little love... I hope it gets rereleased or remade one day

so what makes this any better than Host Gator's services and prices?

so what makes this any better than Host Gator's services and prices?

I remember in an older interview possibly sometime after Mother 3 was done and released, he was asked about another sequel. I think his reply was along the lines of "if someone else makes it, I'd love to play it", so I guess he's stuck to his guns about not wanting to make a fourth game.

In all my years of being online since the late half of my middle school years (around 1998), I can't say I've heard of this site...
Most Final Fantasy sites I stumbled across in my random Lycos searches were lame shrines dedicated to each fans' favorite characters and midi downloads of my favorite songs from the games

took me a while to figure out the Metal Gear one... for a while I thought 45 minutes later into the gameplay they later tell you the frequency to use. Then I realized Metal Gear is known for their excessive dialog these days.

I'm not sure either, but it's also done in fighting games and actual fighting matches. Sometimes the name is shouted out or it's just given a name so people know what move you're talking about in discussions rather than awkwardly saying "that one punch where you wind up and try to slam the opponent" when you really

sounds like that vest is much better suited when you're playing TF2 with the Pyrovision Goggles equipped, since everyone's laughing as they're getting shot and killed

it's kinda scary, yet kinda exciting at the same time seeing how fast technology's improving. For all I know, they'll probably be able to upload a human consciousness into a computer by the time we're 90.

oddly this feels like it might've been on purpose, to replicate those horrendously mangled engrish scripts in the game and their manuals back in the day

the really amazing part is Old Spice themselves commented on the video asking Mowtendoo to chat with them, presumably to give him a job to help make/edit commercials for them.

more than likely, or maybe they just don't like the cutesy style sort of clashing with a serious story... but it's as you said, pretty hypocritical as people did at one point complain about Zelda Wind Waker doing the same thing and then they grew to love the style.

there's also the fact he worked on some of the Jazz Jackrabbit games way back when, I don't think anyone complained about the style which was mostly the same back then.

there were several changes when they brought the game over to the US including giving Peach a voice actress; Mario says "so long, King Bowser" when throwing him as opposed to Japan's "bye-bye!", the chain chomp's bark is different along with several sound effects, and as far as I know one of the paintings were changed

the eventual pink baby giving you orders in your belly shall be nicknamed Kraang

the style mainly seems to shift between who and what's the most popular director/author/artist/trend of the decade as others try to mimic the style to an extent...

what bothered me the most was Sora could've just glided his way to her, yet just stood still

I remember Luigi was more like a pest

kinda makes the whole "599 US Dollars" for the PS3 seem like a bargain in comparison