
there are some who might say they look "jawsome"

Saiyan heritage having him grow stronger after healing from near-death + Senzu Beans = Rare Candy

Final Fantasy 8

it's a standard tradition in just about all Fire Emblem games giving you an excessively overpowered character as a crutch at the very start of the game. While you could use him to be a one-man army, he's best used as backup when things look dire for a character you were trying to level up and suddenly needing some

I can see this being useful for earthquakes and such, but if they've got ventilation holes, this may be a bad idea for tsunamis and floods... unless they're strategically placed and the pods can float.

The secret ingredient to the delicious chicken formula was a single wish from the dragon

that sadly seems to be the case :/ people demand online multiplayer more rather than local multiplayer... At least Nintendo still believes in that tradition with their Wii U having it as an option, so at least it's not TOTALLY dead.

I had a blast with the Game Boy... only system that rivaled the amount of time I played on it was my Sega Genesis. I still have my old collection of games, I'm just waiting for most of them to be brought to the 3DS' Virtual Console store... especially the original Pokemon games.

Anime = Japanese shortened word for animation... so yes, they are cartoons.

only ones that come to mind are Castle Crashers and Scott Pilgrim along with Double Dragon Neon... it's still an under-appreciated genre, much like shmups

That makes a lot of sense, I suppose the praise I heard were from fans who played it the first time back when it was new prior to the genre's improvements later on. I guess I was too late to appreciate it back in its heyday being spoiled by later beat 'em ups with raised expectations on a dated game.

yeah, pretty much games like God of War, Devil May Cry, Bayonetta and MGS Revengeance feels like the current evolution of beat 'em ups... all that's missing is multiplayer mode to tear through the levels with friends and we'd be good to go

I had a feeling it just didn't age as well, I'm sure it was awesome as hell back in.... 1991 I think? I guess other beat 'em ups improved as time went on and I ended up playing TMNT Turtles in Time as Golden Axe was just outdated in comparison

I heard a lot about this game, mostly praise and such. I missed out on it when I was a kid obsessively playing the Sonic games for the umpteenth time, but after playing it on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, I was severely underwhelmed... watching this speedrun makes me feel even more underwhelmed.

Dream Team, eh? Kind of too obvious of a title, but I also would've accepted Mario & Luigi & Luigi & Luigi...

Ronald McDonald as the sixth member of G-Force/Gatchaman...?

Ah man... that old Felicity reference... I almost forgot ratings DROPPED when she got that haircut. Fans are such fickle people over the most trivial of things when a simple design changes but the formula remains intact, they demand a boycott...

closest thing to Zen Pinball 2 is the Marvel pinball tables they released some time ago

an Epona motorcycle, maybe a handgun that can be upgraded to a rifle, a grappling hook, zipline, grenades/C4 explosives, The Fairy Fountain would be a massage parlor hosted by women... only problem is I can't think of what a modernized boomerang would be...

I kind of figure much like the Kokiri Tribe in Ocarina of Time, having him be part of a group of outcasts of some kind would be interesting. Maybe not exactly part of it, maybe he used to be Zelda's bodyguard until he got framed by Ganondorf for a crime he didn't commit and is forced to live in the streets? Would be