
I've had the idea in my mind for a few years, I might try to draw it out sometime

I always imagined a future/present-day Zelda cast would be Link would be some punk from a gang living in Hyrule City's alleyways while wearing a green bandanna and armed with a wooden bat and a garbage lid as a shield... Zelda would be the mayor's daughter as Ganondorf would be some two-faced politician running

No, I'll admit even as an old-school Sonic fan it's not JUST about the speed, but mainly the alternate paths leading to the goal where the higher paths is the most rewarding and faster route as the lower routes have the most obstacles and enemies.

it SORT OF happened in Sonic issue number 38

Personal taste, I'd say. One could argue Megaman is just a simple jumping and shooting platformer game and that also gets love from people who grew up liking it. Just because you didn't grow up enjoying something doesn't necessarily mean it's bad.

ouch, dude.

it was worse whenever telemarketers called and knocked you offline... then you had to hear that noise again as you wait a minute or two to go back online to your sluggish connection speed.

Aren't there any new ones you can download? I remember the earlier versions of Windows allowed you to download user-made screensavers... hell, I somehow managed to get the desktop themes and screensavers from Windows 98 to use on Windows 7 to bask in nostalgia from time to time.

...a lot of these feel like evolved versions of classic screensavers from Windows 95/98/XP

so basically a smoothed-out Minecraft without the monsters and ability to be creative with the land's resources.

Now playing

I always loved world map music that made the world seem so vast and epic... like this classic for example.

I made a website on Angelfire back in the day... I kept it up to this day to look back on and reminisce on the old days while occasionally playing one of my few midis I managed to keep and think about that era a decade ago...

Yep, webrings were the only way people could get their sites any attention unless you befriended other people and got your site added to their links page... an early form of social media before deviantArt took over and made those sites obsolete mid-2000. Most of those old sites are gone due to Geocities going the way

I've got a soft spot for midi tunes during the late 90s and early 2000 when I was on dialup looking through fan sites, shrines and art galleries... back when downloading a 3 to 5mb song took over an hour to download.

I know there's the term "one bad apples spoils the whole bunch", but just like any other group that has its share of douchebags and idiots, they're not all like them.

I actually kinda like it, an X with a box... it almost resembles the emoticon XD which looks like a laughing face...

in all honesty, this is the only Final Fantasy game I've actually looked forward to since FF10 and Dissidia... I feel it's Square's last chance to win me back into the franchise after continuous disappointment with their other games.

I gradually lost interest in Final Fantasy after 9 or 10 (still to this day unsure if I liked 10, but the music remains a saving grace)... Though I genuinely enjoyed Dissidia even though it was an anniversary crossover fighting game spinoff.

ah man, now I HAVE to download these orchestral remixes <3

ah man, now I HAVE to download these orchestral remixes <3