
I've always used "SorcererLance" since as early as 1999 or 2000.

gotta thank Toonami for immortalizing the quote "we won't be intimidated by criminal threats!" in The Bulleteers episode at 2:34

both shows pretty much were the precursors to Fairly Oddparents to an extent. They could wish for power and status, but instead they try to have a fairly normal life while bending the rules here and there... which leads them into trouble most of the time as they try to keep it a secret.

7 was good, but Square ended up milking it due to its massive popularity. Kind of a shame as the earlier FF games are often overlooked and skipped over because 7 left a bigger impact. 9 I felt was a great love letter referencing everything Square did with their FF franchise from the original four-party system to

It always feels nice to see another FF8 fan. It's one of my top favorites but it's always unfairly compared to 6, 7 and 9 by others.

a funny thing I notice... most stories that involve time travel seem to get the most glowing reviews ever... Looper, Terminator, A Sound of Thunder, etc, etc... It almost feels like if you can write a good time travel story, it'll be talked about for years to come.

Chrono Trigger obviously, it still holds up well today.

normally whenever Nintendo releases games that Ambassadors get, Ambassadors get the ability to update the NES game so you can use save states... for some odd reason I can't do so with Zelda 2... am I alone on this?

I consider these more to be inspirations and homages... but I will admit the eel thing is pretty dead-on and Nightmare Before Christmas' influences were obvious for that story arc since the gang first explored that place.

pretty much Swapnote 2.0, I'm liking what I'm seeing here. I'll look forward getting a WiiU in the near-future to play around with that.

GTA V much like GTA IV may get a PC release... and yet Red Dead Redemption won't for the foreseeable future :/

forgive me for being behind on games, but who's the guy in black?

because it shares a similar musical motif taken from the old song "The Teddy Bear's Picnic"

I've been playing a few games on my Android... as nice as some games are on there, I don't feel like it's a decent competitor to the 3DS or even the Vita. The lack of actual buttons makes some games (like roms) a pain in the ass with the laggy, unresponsive touch screen.

Nah, Australia's more like the abandoned, unwanted child England left to fend for itself.

I know, but it was the principle of the matter that you were given a choice who you wanted to be, even if the main difference was your shirt color and character portrait.

last they did so was the very first GTA and GTA2 for the Game Boy Color as far as I remember

it reminds me more of Fullmetal Alchemist's automail... in either case, I like the look of this bionic arm. I personally never liked the look of a typical prosthetic limb since they seemed more like they were taken from a mannequin and the doctors called it a day.

Hoo boy, imagine if Super Size was still a thing.