
The whole cellphone as a stopwatch thing didn't occur to me, but that makes a world of sense. The life drawing classes I took had the models (all middle-aged I might add, so likely not as tech-savvy using cellphones) used a typical alarm clock to let them know 10-20 minutes have passed.

internet porn probably spoiled you seeing hung-as-horses type of males. The average-sized guy always seems small in comparison, especially when flaccid.

oh God, that Pinky Pie photo...

just like Tails' real name is Miles Prower as he goes by his nickname, Eggman's real name is Ivo Robotnik, just we're also going by his nickname these days.

Arnold was literally the poster boy when it came to action movies and games throughout the 80s

damn good deal to anyone who missed out on all of those games

"...and you can dress them up in little hats"

the last Sonic All Stars Racing game was pretty solid as a contender for the Mario Kart games, I'm anxious to play this if it's as fun as the last one

Not too huge of an anime fan as I once was these days compared to watching DBZ/Sailor Moon on UPN before Toonami popularized the crap out of it in early 2000, but I've been watching the latest episodes of One Piece via Funimation's website...

I admit it!

If game companies are concerned about potential sales and if it'd be worth localizing a game, why don't they do what Steam started doing? Have a voting system for fans to greenlight which games get released and which ones to skip over?

midi tunes have a unique charm that kinda rivals chiptunes in a way... yeah, the instruments are outdated and cheesy, but during those days when downloading a 5mb mp3 took an hour on dialup, 10kb midi songs were kind of the norm when it came to listening to music while browsing online waiting for each webpage to load

seems like I'll need to invest in an SD card that holds more than just 2GB of memory to be able to download a lot of these...

There we go, that did it. Thanks man.

GameMaker is free, but when I try to download it it gives me an error saying I have no subscription... anyone know what's up with that?

huh, got Art Academy last night (I love it, it's like getting a refresher from college with a patient as hell teacher and no grades to worry about)... but this is a neat little bonus I guess.

or even "I ain't even mad!"

Now playing

Just wanna toss this in. The reaction at the very end makes the scene comedy gold.

if they refused EA's offer of SEVERAL BILLIONS OF DOLLARS, I don't think I see them making a deal with anyone ever

Now playing

for some reason, the title of this article reminds me of this video