
this is... hysterical.

they really, REALLY should have used a cardboard cut-out of this asshole as a target instead

You're three chicks looking for one guy. Not exactly a plot I would expect from a Final Fantasy game.

I'm not arguing at all. Sonic's 15th Anniversary was terrible what with Sonic 2006 and Sonic Genesis being released, but I have the utmost condolences to the hardcore Megaman fans for everything that's happened the past year...

I absolutely love the idea of having a crossover with all of its franchises, I love the idea of Megaman fighting alongside X, Zero, .EXE, Model ZX and others.

give him a katana and this could get interesting

it probably doesn't help the fact to also point out Megaman Online is also possibly cancelled as well

I can agree with this, maybe that's why Duke Nukem 3D had such a massive appeal and hell, even Goldeneye I found myself laughing my ass off as a kid having fun dual-wielding sniper rifles and rocket launchers as enemies with a perpetual derp face tried desperately to get me.

Fractured Soul caught my eye when I saw the gameplay video the other day, kinda surprised how pricey it is, but seeing how refined and unique the gameplay looks, I'm even more surprised it's not a retail game.

Which I admit was kinda nice, but at the same time, they kinda cluttered the cast with Knuckles clones with hats, wigs and such. The designs could've had some more thought put into them.

Ixis Naugus existed in the cartoon show, but they fleshed him out in the comics... and handled him poorly until recently when they brought him back in the current story arc.

I've been a long-time reader since issue 0 of the original mini-series and... the comic had its ups and downs.

it basically is a reptile mixed with a praying mantis

In many ways I agree, but not just for the reason that there may be bad voice acting involved...

install a stun gun on that thing and it could very well replace police dogs

oh man, it's that one boss from Zelda Link's Awakening... Facade.

an easier solution to satisfy your fictional farming skills without annoying your friends on Facebook is to either play Minecraft or Harvest Moon... but that's just me.

I can understand going for 3D models and actual hand-drawn art for the sake of an HD look... If they add in actual (good) voice acting, I'll be sold.

I was about to remark that I miss the look of the sprites, but looking at these screenshots... this looks gorgeous.

very true, it's been AGES since I last watched 300 though, so my memory's been fuzzy on how the cinematics went until I rewatched some clips.