
slo-mo in movies have been a staple for quite a long time, it wasn't until The Matrix when the technique had been popularized and borderline abused during the early 2000's

That reminds me, wasn't Hideo Kojima working on a Snatcher prequel/sequel? What became of that project?

I still find the whole debacle over a single word that anybody can use in an everyday sentence to be copyrighted and monopolized to be completely crazy and stupid. It's basically the new "Edge" that was started by that one guy who owned a magazine that had that title.

I'd be inclined to agree that nobody wants to pay $40 for a handheld game, much less $60 for a console game, considering indie games ask for less as their quality almost rival any of today's company juggernauts...

Ah, the good old days of the console wars... in the end, it was basically "Blast Processing" vs Mode 7... a virtual arms race of who could do the most impressive graphics to wow your potential buyer.

A white person voicing a black character, huh?

they have been on since GTA San Andreas as "Weazel", it's not the first time a videogame parodied the news station

You'll end up pulling your own hair if you're working on 1's. Look at The Thief And The Cobbler, that took several decades to do and it will forever remain unfinished because the guy in charge wanted it all animated on 1's.

Had the entire lab not been on the verge of exploding, I would see Wheatley actually trying to make himself a body much like this

I can accept this explanation as well :3 Though I prefer to work frame by frame, the payoff is much more worthwhile than having to overly rely on auto-tweening.

it's the closest thing to being a god without being a geneticist

this is fairly common knowledge to animators in general, but it's good to remind people what makes a cartoon interesting to watch and why something made on GoAnimate is physically painful to sit through.

so this is how it is... not only Capcom, but Square is now jumping onto the iOS to make shitty games and ports of games that have been released previously.

I played and enjoyed a fair bit of FF Legend 2... there were several songs that I liked that always stuck to my head like the battle music and Burning Blood. I never did finish it for one reason or another, maybe I was under-levelled like I usually tend to be with RPGs, but I had fun regardless.

My nostalgic side will miss the classic wavy flag look that always greeted me back on my first computer that ran on Windows 98, but this is a nice change. It's all neat and uniformed while still keeping the recognizable red/green/blue/yellow squares, nothing too drastic.

I've always wondered about the Nintendo Fun Club, but I guess I'm not too surprised it was catered to little kids acting as a shopping catalog of sorts... only instead of sending a mail-in order for the games you wanted, you'd point to the games you wanted to your parents as you walked into Toys R Us merely weeks

Two free games when you buy the console... not a bad deal. I know when I got my Xbox 360, I got the same deal (Forza Motorsport 3 and Alan Wake).

while we're at it, Square-Enix is a grandpa who once told great stories and then became awkward trying to cater to the new, young crowd in his attempt to be "hip"

Capcom is now basically a divorcee that is making questionable and stubborn decisions out of still grieving after realizing too how good he had it back then.

this picture perfectly visualizes the arcade market in the US by the time the 90s was over.