
It's an awesome idea having a massive crossover with itself, like Sonic Generations, only more massive. The problem as we already know as it's in the step in the wrong direction.

I was always curious what the first issue was like since it was released when I was around 2 years old... Really interesting stuff seeing hand-drawn art and a minimal use of computer art compared to these days.

I remember seeing a commercial in the US advertising VHS tapes and DVDs of people getting killed in brutal ways from numerous accidents caught on camera. In hindsight, that company is likely shut down due to their exploitation.

I know there were some Canada also had that were pretty gruesome, but I suppose the shock value gets the message across like a good slap to the face... if we aired those in the US, there would be complaints about violence on TV commercials and how little children might be watching... when in reality the harsh truth of

not quite as edgy as you'd expect from a typical 90s ad you'd target teens and young adults, it comes off more as a Public Service Announcement which was aplenty during the era.

...not exactly the most hardcore story to tell your cellmate when he asks you what you're in for.

I always loved glitches and exploits to do and see things you as the player shouldn't be able to, whether if it was helpful in your gameplay or not.

it's kind of a shame his art isn't used for the Codec calls after the first MGS game in favor for the actual character models or photos of said character models to save them on animation time and costs

you can play one on one in Stamina Mode on Final Destination with no weapons all you want.

I feel this would be a better idea if it were used in horror or FPS games, where you're actually fearful of your life (or rather the real life risk of pain)... It may help players be more alert in the game's environment as their reward is to not be shocked much if at all. It would probably be more engaging that way.

Electronics Boutique... I miss that. I remember it used to have a modest collection of games they sold alongside imported games (I saw Pokemon Green being sold there once) and even toys like the old Dragonball Z action figures. It was a pretty small and quaint hobby shop.

any other instance you kind of killed Kali with ease as either a semi-common enemy (Castlevania) or as a boss battle (Final Fantasy) as a trial, I figure making them enemies you could kill would probably be more insulting than controlling them as a playable character and potentially making them seem cool in the hands

probably, though for a group wanting to try to clean the image of their deities, they probably shouldn't just go after one game, but rather also complain to Square, Konami and any other companies who made games that misrepresented their gods.

and yet the same group said nothing about Shiva's name being used for years in Final Fantasy games and Sheeva in Mortal Kombat.

true, 3PO is more of a service droid... R2 makes sense being a level 1 sentry being tiny, but a surprising little fighter droid if need be.

I will seriously laugh if R2 is the level 1 sentry and 3PO is the level 3 sentry

the only panel in the comic that you ever really need

Ah man, and here I thought Nintendo quit doing that after the original Game Boy Advance... I always liked the idea of seeing the insides to admire how it was built... or maybe I was too easily amused as a kid.

Great, now I'll have to get a red 3DS XL, name it Dexter, print out the Pokemon QR codes and scatter them around my town.

as much as I was a Genesis fanboy back in the day, the SNES had a better library going on. Genesis had a handful of good games, most were Sonic of course, but it held up decently. Kind of a shame in hindsight it was ahead of the SNES by a good few years, but it wasn't until Sonic was out did it gain its audience.