
It's not the costume that's the hard part, it's getting the same muscle tone to look the part...

It is a bit of a let-down, but I'm kinda glad I didn't strive to get a Platinum status. I'm kinda happy I got Mario vs Donkey Kong as I pretty much already downloaded all the other selections before.

oh come on, we all know the REAL reason why girls put videogame controllers in their underwear.

The part where you come across those buttons in which if you step on them, you get crushed, got me chuckling.

clearly the answer to this should be obvious

From his descriptions of his songs on his website, they were intended for other unrelated projects. I assume in the end he didn't use them before he opted to collect what he had composed for the game's soundtrack.

It better come with a mini-keyboard this time. Typing with the touch screen is an annoying pain in the ass.

I usually have them on, I've always had that habit since being used to it being on by default in most early games when they didn't have an option to turn them off, even as so far to have the closed captioning on older TV sets for watching my shows back in the day.

it's nice and all, but at the end of the day, I guess the bigger screens make Swapnote and Colors 3D a lot easier to draw on.

as long as they don't touch the core gameplay much and let Sakurai do his work, I don't see an issue... hell, toss in Klonoa, Pacman and some Soul Calibur characters while they're at it.

my first game I played that I got to know Sakuraba's music was Star Ocean the Second Story... been instantly a fan of his work ever since... Golden Sun also shined with his music as well.

well damn... it's kinda hard to hate Capcom when they're finally doing something right for a change.

...Tidus sounds like Gilbert Gottfried took the role to voice a random seagull.

seeing how crudely animated the Heavy's gun looks while firing, I'm kinda glad they didn't bother showing the Pyro's flamethrower going off or possibly didn't bother animating it at all.

If people are offended seeing the British or Americans getting killed in a videogame that covers an actual historical era of war, they probably would be offended reading about it in a history book as well.

MGS3 isn't that long of a game as long as you skip the cutscenes and didn't screw around with the guards and the countless items you can collect and use.

That's quite a hyperbole, the Game Gear went through 6 AA batteries within two hours at the least. The 3DS from my playthroughs lasted me a good 5-6 hours before it needed a recharge... Probably more if I had the volume and backlight settings to low.

ah man... nostalgia trip... I remember playing a bit of Monster Rancher and watching the TV show back when Pokemon was new and a smash-hit and every other company wanted to cash in on the craze.

the MLP one should be called Virgin Mare-y