
before clicking for hints, I got 35

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I always figured it would be something along the lines of this classic PS2 ad

upon retrospect, Street Fighter 2 was probably one of the first games Nintendo allowed the depiction of blood on the SNES...

"Yatta!" Japanese for "I did it!/I won!"

just as long as there's no excessive gross-out humor and butt-slapping in which nobody above the age of 10 years old would find funny, I'd love to see this animated out in this style~

ditto here, it comes off the as being sadistic and showing that the guy is more than willing to fully do the deed, but choosing to savor it as the enjoyment of seeing the victim wet himself (it's a MGS game, it'll be expected) would just make it all the more fun to the guy who took him hostage before deciding when and

the SHMUP genre is severely under-appreciated... closest thing we have these days is the Touhou series as that's technically an indie SHMUP franchise.

The graphics look stunning, yes... BUT...

I'd say this is an accurate representation to summarize E3 for today... just replace Nintendo with Ubisoft for now.

The design more or less stemmed from the SNES controller which was by default an improvement over the NES controller from way back in the day. Game companies can't really help the fact that very design just simply works and in all honesty, why fix something that isn't broken?

Well... this is certainly unexpected.

clearly Iwata wasn't hired for his drawing skills XP

I'm playing my 3DS Ambassador GBA games to revel in nostalgia until midnight when Toonami's finally back on the air

I wonder how many other covers did the same exact thing... I know FPS games had their handful of "lone soldier walks toward the viewer surrounded by destruction"

While jazz may be unpopular these days, I can't help but enjoy zoning out while listening to lite jazz as I'm doing art or letting my mind wander while looking at a cityscape's lights at night... Maybe it's an acquired taste away from the mainstream stuff we're constantly surrounded by.

This is awesome and all, but I can't help but worry about Capcom's other franchise's upcoming 25th anniversary will be like.

also presumably no relation to that other "King of Pirates" that Megaman creator Keiji Inafune is working on.

I hope it's Green Arrow.

Such a simple idea and it still gets the job done... I hope there's plenty of variants to keep bots guessing

Huh... I feel like I watched an Animal Planet documentary showcasing the feeding habits of the vicious red cars VS the helpless dark blue car.