
>The next annular solar eclipse in Japan will be in 2030. See you then!

same can be argued with UFOs in general; Samus' ship is basically shaped like one

*sigh* and this is what's worrying me about the KH series. It's become Naruto and Bleach having way too many characters to care about as those characters due to their popularity overshadow the main characters while the story continues to get excessively complicated to follow coherently.

358/2 Days was basically going back to the same tired worlds to do chores for the Organization as we saw what Roxas was up to during the events of Chain of Memories and prior to 2 leading to his resignation.

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It's such a shame we missed out on such an epic mascot for the console over in the west...

at this point, I wouldn't be shocked if Square quit numbering their Kingdom Hearts games in favor for every new sequel/sidestory be just "Kingdom Hearts: Supposedly Clever Subtitle" and "Kingdom Hearts: This Subtitle Makes Sense At The End of the Game"

I sure hope they talk more about those delicious seasalt ice cream popsicles Disneyword of Japan has that we don't.

man... I remember when most of these were new and advertised like crazy on TV...

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An old animation from 2001, even Microsoft knew how annoying Clippy was. The icing on the cake; the voice actor they chose to voice Clippy.


You've already bought a copy, so you've presumably given money to the company that made the game in show of your support for their product.

these are terrifying and just bad... and at the same time, I practically expect an amateur made these.

It's best to hold onto them until you can do some research on Google to know what devices work with the tapes you have to see if you can buy something affordable on Amazon or something. Maybe while you're at it, it wouldn't hurt to also get a device to record your tapes onto your computer.

Ah, the days when you had your one-of-a-kind tape you recorded yourself you shared with your friends on the playground...

The game was fun and great, I loved the pop culture references and the envelope-pushing humor and dialog for a supposedly "family-friendly" Nintendo console.

a woman with a foot fetish... it's not unheard of.

Team Fortress 3.

Most cash cows that tend to be milked to death are usually numbered... look at Kids Bop, Land Before Time and Final Fantasy... surprised Call of Duty hasn't done the same.

It was alright.