
was this man the "Igor" mentioned who sent this supposed email?

I didn't cry. I was surprised and was half-expecting a "we found a way to revive her if we do this side-mission" sort of thing later on.

I can only think of one other guy who can agree with your sentiment.

Sly Cooper...

reminds me of PS1-era commercials when they were trying to be all in-your-face, hardcore and edgy

Now playing

Great to see the hilarious magic of cartridge-tilting is still alive and well

I gotta commend his father for introducing him to the classics before showing him today's interactive movie games.

I like how Nintendo completely disregarded Metroid's 25th anniversary

I really loved Final Fantasy 8 (say what you will, I know the game has its flaws, but at least it's more of a Final Fantasy than 13) and the villainesses in the game usually went by their title followed by their name:

Collecting Pokemon cards at 27 years old...?

cartoon physics.

I only knew about the game through old videogame magazine articles talking about it, but never got a chance to play it until Sonic Gems Collection.

Nah, I blame my blind fanboyism of being all "Oh boy! A new Sonic game? It's a spinoff starring a popular new friend of his? I hope it'll be as good as Tails Adventure!"

From recent memory... Shadow the Hedgehog. I wanted to overlook the silly idea of him wielding oversized guns and being all dark and edgy...

It's getting increasingly obvious people are abusing this whole Kickstarter craze...

As a kid, I wondered if you could do any of the adult dungeons as a kid, but I never really tried using a gameshark... But this... this takes the cake right here.

...I have not heard of this until now.

I was a really bored kid during the 90s who actually took the time to read manuals in my spare time and noticed that curious note.

sometimes it felt like Michael Bay gave some advice for the game

reminds me of the little excerpt from the Sonic 3 manual, the programmers/manual author being aware of the numerous glitches in the game and justifying it with an in-story explanation that Robotnik specifically made traps for Sonic to be stuck in and all you can do is press reset whenever it happens