
Not to mention Milli Vanilli

honestly, I felt it was overrated as Sonic 2 was more fun while Sonic 3 & Knuckles was more epic. I never got to play it back in the day until Sonic Gems Collection was out, it felt kind of "meh" to me.

*stubbornly keeps nostalgia goggles on*

it's not really sad from what I remember, a grandfather paradox happens with the sorceresses, everyone's reunited and there's a party in the end as Zell finally got the hotdogs he wanted so much throughout the game

8 is really under-appreciated... despite a few plot holes and the tedious way of getting magic, it's more of a Final Fantasy than 13 was

I'm LOVING the new graphics on this..... the voices are still a hit and miss with me, either it's my bias with playing the original so damn much, or the voices this time around don't exactly have the same "umph" they used to

it's a bit more creative compared to his old name being "Evil Sonic" and his design just being Sonic but with shades and a leather jacket with boots... though at the cost of looking like a recolored Sonic fan character.

Meanwhile, the indie developers are doing quite well as a renaissance of sorts of the videogame industry while already-established companies fell into the trap Hollywood fell into of relying on sequels, remakes and over-reliance of doing the same genre over and over again while having no belief over new, creative

Graphics look just as good as the PS2 original, but yeah, as everyone else pointed out, the textures are the main thing that suffered from getting ported over...

Now playing

...ick, what'd they do to the victory music...? Hopefully it's another soundtrack to choose from like with the original game going between Arcade/Dynamic

...why are there two Governor Programs? D:

suddenly Nintendo and Sony are having a freaking videogame arms race over who can sell their products at a cheaper price while trying to keep their customers interested regardless of their past disappointments (Sony's hacking, Nintendo's lack of 3DS games)

Oddly, despite all the flying around and disorientation of the Portal games, I'm fine playing them.

Funny... wasn't rock music blamed as the deterioration of today's youth several decades ago?

a prime example of people jumping the gun thinking they know their shit, but CLEARLY did not do their research.

I suppose by that viewpoint, it's understandably outrageous to pay that much for an SNES... but it was new at the time, so.... *shrug*

ah, the days when parents got mad over videogames before GTA, Doom and Mortal Kombat existed...

not really sure what the appeal is with Chun-li's tree-trunk thunder thighs, but I guess a fetish is a fetish

that post is just as much bullshit as being beaten in an online game against Candleja