
Well... that's about two 3DS games I could have bought with the money saved getting it for the reduced price... that, or a hefty collection of downloadable games alongside the 20 free games that were promised.

Samoyeds and most other snow dogs (American Eskimos, Malamutes, Huskies, etc) are usually the nicest dogs you'll ever meet since they're bred to work and for companionship.

I haven't tried Inchworm Animation, but I assume most of the tools mainly rely on auto-tweening as opposed to full traditional animation Flipnote Studio has... so if I were to guess, I'd say Flipnote may be better, though it wouldn't hurt to look up reviews on both on Youtube to see what's more your style.

I have felt and heard my buttons and D-pad squeak with each button press... I get worried if the "skin" of the 3DS might start peeling off or something.

I'm still waiting for a version of Flipnote Studio for the 3DS...

I find it amusing Wyoming gets more connection speed than Idaho... almost nobody freaking lives in Wyoming

I suppose consequences will never be the same...

In case for whatever reason PSO2 disappoints, there's always SCHTHACK's PSO Blue Burst I can fall back on~

The 80s and 90s had some of the best, original anime before things got generic and shitty.

I was going to vote for Miku, but then I saw those Gradius boss models...

Really? I generally assumed they were recalled because the 3DS overheats as it is and the black color absorbs more heat and doesn't really help.

Goldeneye for the Wii so far has been enjoyable (I've been taking my time on it on single player mode)...

Now playing

that first image... as well as the third.....

Mocap is basically the 3D equivalent of rotoscoping. It's sometimes cool, yet at other times it looks like cutting corners having actors act things out for the fictional character to base their movements on.

the new guy looks more like a character better suited for Tekken with a Fist of the North Star fashion sense.

yeah, the pyramids of Egypt and all, more or less explaining why they've stayed up so long...

I presumed it was partly based on the "Holy Trinity", what with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit... instead of Power, Courage and Wisdom.

first thing I thought of was Space Ghost letting out his sweet hairdo

I got a Dazzle from Best Buy... you don't really need to get the one that can do HD, the regular one has damn good quality at a relatively inexpensive price