
the worst part would be it would be utterly unplayable on the WiiU because it's not backwards-compatible with Gamecube games

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

have his parents threaten to cut off the internet if he doesn't improve his grades and gaming habits. Follow up on the threat if he calls the bluff. Let him play TF2 as a reward during the weekend or the end of the day if he completes his homework. If he tries to sneak playing a game without doing his homework,

uh... but the control scheme was meant to mimic the controls of an actual plane. I'd say it's quite an exaggeration to say that the game was "literally unplayable", but rather being unused to the controls you gave up without adapting to what was given to you.

I still question how Mario can keep his hat on as it sprouts wings.

"look for a Duke Nukem 3D sequel soon"

Like it or not, I don't think there were many (if any?) owners of the MSX in the US, so it stands to reason it would get a ton of attention on the NES which a lot of kids owned at the time.

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as long as it's better than Nintendo's last Jaws game, I'm fairly intrigued

that Sonic Generations swag looks awfully tempting... but I'm better off saving my money for when the games come out.

Huh, I've been looking for the Japanese boxart for Spyro for a while. After reading that the character "Ripto" was based on the Japanese kanji for "Spyro", I wanted to check and I can totally see it now.

So we're going back to Nintendo Entertainment System or something? Like when they upgraded it to Super for the SNES?

Now playing

as long as it's nowhere near the initial absurd price for the PS3 all those years ago

I always noticed Whitney's a pretty popular choice

the new writer, Ian Flynn started writing for the comics at around issue 160.

Augh, awful memories of that wind-up parrot and trying to out-do the high score D:

another fun fact: Satoshi Tajiri's hometown is essentially where Pallet Town is in the Kanto region.

I regret getting rid of my Sega Genesis. I spent hours and HOURS playing the old Sonic games, Vectorman and Mortal Kombat all throughout the 90s... Yeah, I later bought the Sonic Mega Collection for the Gamecube, but it never quite felt the same playing on another controller.

"If only I knew you would become such a handsome man...

good gravy, that first photo at first glance looked somewhat like George Lopez...

the music quality sounds WAY too advanced to be heard on a Genesis... I wouldn't expect to hear those instruments at all