
all we need left is the warped music from Yoshi's Island

the game is known to have dark, deadpan humor, of course there's going to be some things brought up that might strike a chord with some people. In this instance, I feel the dad overreacted since he didn't feel like talking about that topic with his 10 year old daughter, while she doesn't want to bring it up since it's like listening to a young Jeff Goldblum I the only one who's still in the mindset that "AR" = Action Replay?

I can't really imagine what else they can add to the DBZ games to make them stand out more...

Freaking seriously? Is that what gamers today care about?

but... there are people who played through an entire game without paying but weren't pirates. They probably borrowed the game from a friend. Heck, same can be said about books and movies.

hopefully the create-a-character feature would be as varied with the fighting styles given to you in Soul Calibur III, with the large assortment of costume pieces from Soul Calibur IV for a more customized fighter.

or they could do the classic Duke Nukem Forever route and say "when it's done"

wouldn't exactly be the first~

listen to the audio, if only to envision this classic character

look how small you are...!

oh man, that's a pretty awesome remix~

If they're part of the gameplay, fine. Just as so long as people don't complain about the polygon count or if the game doesn't keep a steady 60FPS and it's still playable (Sonic Adventure comes to mind).

if you play games, that's fine. But if you value graphics or frame rates over gameplay, you no longer care about the "gaming" aspect of the game, but rather being a nitpicky person over aesthetics.

I doubt graphics are the real issue here (though those who care more about graphics over gameplay should not be considered true gamers)

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and here's the redub Lucas Gilbertson did (who voiced Zero in X8 and Maverick Hunter X)

presumably, barcodes are useless for online transactions since they're mainly for stores with barcode readers.

combine it with this for a nearly-free game

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Clippy hasn't had a good unemployment period