
and the hunt continues

so... the difference between Hulu and Netflix is the ability to watch more recent shows, as opposed to waiting to have the shows released on DVD and later bundled together to watch whenever you want

it's the whole J.K. Rowling thing with Dumbledore being confirmed gay much to some of the fans' enjoyment all over again.

I still honestly can't believe people still buy strategy books... yeah, they were must-haves during the 90s, but we have Gamefaqs now, and those strategies can be updated when applicable with the added bonus of a forum to discuss whatever you're wondering about in the game you're playing.

Premium Nintendo Entertainment System

mesh it together with this, and we've got Gabe Newell

You guys can go ahead and be excited about the specs and your high-end graphics and possible movie-playing capabilities... I'm more interested if we're going to have worthwhile games as opposed to having a plethora of shovelware taking up over 3/4 of the Wii's full library.

I'm proud of you son.

Lack of common sense, really. It's creepy enough a lot try to act all cutesy with others, but there's a SERIOUS red flag if they're doing it to attract younger kids...

Wait, what the...? The second link says he was bailed out of jail??

so... we're going to see 2D versions of what were originally 3D levels as well? It should be interesting to see Dreamcast-era levels and beyond playing as Classic Sonic.

he seem to have yoinked Mickey Mouse's gloves in the process

I had and still have a good few of those from back in the day... Sonic the Hedgehog, Pinball and Jurassic Park as well as TMNT and a few assorted mini-games that doubled as a watch.

AUGH! I HAD this as a kid! I STILL remember the sound effects and music ringing in my head...

If they're using toy guns to go "bang! bang!" or even Super Soakers or Nerf guns just to play around and roleplay, I don't see what the issue is.

How odd, yet generous of them. Usually they charge a small-ish fee to download the soundtrack (like Super Meat Boy and Minecraft... and they're indie games), but hey, a free download is a free download.

those are supposed to be thighs?

Steam can often be a godsend to people like me who're patient as hell and actually wait for these kinds of sales

while it makes more sense the boots prevent her leg bones from being shattered... I guess it must've been a miracle she didn't at least stub her toe in the previous game, what with her being barefoot and all.

I've been noticing the Hadouken has been getting more and more watery with each game... It looked like a waterfall in Tatsunoko vs Capcom when it was Ryu's super.