
I sense a Streisand Effect coming

"DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT! Our years of planning ruined!!"

...This is the VERY first time I'm hearing about a conspiracy theory about Gunpei Yokoi's death.

if you do get it for PC, I can just send you my save file and do whatever with it if you want

the best thing to do is to have your ignored, under-leveled party equip a GF (forgot which, Diablos maybe?) that knows Encounter None, so you can freely explore the castle without worrying about running into enemies.

I've got it on PC... the midi music is sub-par compared to the Playstation's instruments, but at least I can play the chocobo minigame to get items early. Also loved the card game too.

I thought he could, though limited as a Super

to think that quote gave birth to a badass character in IV

I'm still anxiously awaiting a remake of VI and I suppose a remake of VII as everyone wants

as cool as Exdeath's design was, his name bugged the crap out of me... Then I found out that it's a possible mistranslation of "Exodus"

Ski Free, interestingly the guy who originally made it has it up for download for free.

...well damn, just played the game again and tried that. Had no idea you could outrun that guy...

all I learned when I was 5 playing on the computer was that no matter how fast you ski down the mountain, you will never escape the abominable snowman who will gobble you up.


I think this was the "?" before they made it to "Profit"

it's almost like an arms race of sorts... which store will have the better deal to encourage people to buy from them. Kmart with their $25 off one 3DS game and now this with Toys R Us.

I guess now iPhone users can enjoy and later get extremely frustrated playing through that game... I'm practically sure they'll bring over IV as well.

Oh lordy, such a nasty sight, that inner thigh.

dear God, I remember I used to have that... granted, the cartridges were twice the size of GBA cartridges, so if you had a large collection of games, you could probably have four games in one pocket and one inside the actual Game Boy...

The DS was the Game Boy's big brother who used to give the GB piggy back rides. Time went on and the DS left behind his little brother to make a name for himself. He went through an experimental phase, but eventually emerged as a man.