
better at guzzling six batteries at a fraction of the time the GB ate up four

it's been tough finding one at a decent price on ebay or amazon... I've been wanting to upgrade my DS Phat to a 3DS, but I know I'll be unable to play my old GBA games if I do so.

There's both good and bad points for saving anywhere and having checkpoints. With saving anywhere, you run the risk of forgetting when you last saved when you're really getting into the game... only to die or get stuck and realize you're back to where you started since your last save... several hours ago. Or you could

ever since the Microsoft buyout and the Stamper brothers resigning, Rare has been a shell of its former self... very much like with Sega.

I remember playing GTA2 when my brother rented it at Blockbuster years ago when I was around 12 or so... I had a blast with it. Then GTA 3 and Vice City came out later on and the fun factor went up a lot... they were the first two games I got when I got my own PS2 back in 2005.

Raiden Project for the PS1!

it wouldn't come as a surprise the eventual second model of the 3DS rectifies that and makes the 3D viewable at a larger angle you tilt the 3DS in.

let's not forget the default names for the Pokemon trainers

...and bring me pictures of Spider-Man!


just don't focus on graphics or if it looks realistic... a simple style can work just fine if you just focus on making the gameplay fun and/or innovative like Katamari Damacy and Minecraft

I like the redundancy for Felicia

Part of the fun and replayability factor is finding glitches and bugs and exploiting the crap out of them to witness amusing results... unintended events added a lot of fun and even humor to what normally would be "just another game".

because it's sometimes nice to watch Gamestop experiencing what they do to their customers on a daily basis

I almost immediately noticed the tape on Megaman and Protoman's feet on some frames to presumably keep them steady in some poses... cannot unsee D:

I think so, it's been a long time since I last played Master Quest though...

I still would've liked at least see a Light Temple added. Y'know, so that Light Medallion wouldn't come as a freebie for just yoinking the Master Sword out.

on the contrary, they made it easier.

a damn shame, but at least Xbox owners and Steam users can still play it anyway, so it's not an immense loss I suppose

Awesome, now I can infuriate myself playing Sonic 2 all over again!