
for a foot fetishist... this is porn enough for me

that also sort of reminds me of Sonic 3's nearly impossible to input cheat code

If it's an improvement over the DS Phat I still have (been meaning to upgrade, but they came out with newer revisions pretty fast), then I'm totally getting a 3DS

he'll eventually be traded around online, likely as illegal copies through whatever cheat device is being used today much like any other Pokemon

I notice she's wearing boots now... I guess that'll help minimize future stubbed toes from those long jumps/falls

I still feel like there's a chance for a comeback one day.

as much as I enjoyed the crap out of the Game Boy Color game, I'm pretty sure the rules have drastically changed compared to back then and I probably won't feel like adapting to it.

PLEASE let this not be as lame as that CGI sequel series they tried a decade ago...

never really played much of the Atari since it pretty much was around before I was born and I had zero interest in the Jaguar during the classic console wars with Sega vs Nintendo as the Jaguar acted like the independent political party in terms of popularity.

I love the molds for these Nintendo toys, but they're SORELY lacking on the posability and articulation... it makes a bit more sense to make them into little statuettes or something.

wait a bloody minute.

I think I read it pretty much was, just as an added precaution to avoid having that happen again in case.

I watched that episode online about two years ago out of curiosity to see one of the "lost episodes" and to boldly see if I could withstand the fabled seizure scenes.

awesome to see Sly back (though fuzzy as opposed to cel shaded)

I'm kinda hoping they added new breeds the first game didn't have. A Spitz like an American Eskimo or the equivalent, the Samoyed would be enough for me. Pathetic as it would sound, considering my real dog ran away nearly two years ago, I'd like to at least pretend he's still around in game form.

aw man, I'd LOVE to have that... but I'd imagine it's crazy-expensive

Isn't there a way to delete the card information on the Xbox? It's extremely unnerving it sort of stays there to use at anyone's leisure to begin with, whether if it's an irresponsible kid who wants every single expansion pack for his game or a guy who broke into your home and stole your Xbox.

the ads sorta remind me of ads from the 90s, when things were extreme and rebellious and if you were pissing off/scaring/confusing your parents, then you were doing something right for your devil may care attitude in that generation.