
this is just painful to look at...

@Manly McBeeferton: apparently you can also have FLAMING SNOWBALLS if you throw a snowball at lava.

Like a battered housewife coming back to her husband, Sega fans keep coming back to Sega in hopes he'll one day be the nice person he was when they first met again.

man, the days before Colombine... how I miss them.

@Sheldon Calvin: hah, right on. I played the crap out of my Game Boy more than the NES back in the day... still have all my old games for it.

I would if I hadn't have given it to my older brother, who has a better appreciation for the generation and more vivid memories of the games back then.

Didn't they sort of make a Missile Command movie already back in the 80s?

...and together we'll fight Cigma and take back those Lightanium rods!

the ability to farm, have annoying farm animal noises, the ability to customize... I can see how people would compare the two.

It's so fluffy!

I guess I would be mad if they made a 3DS sequel to Jump Ultimate Stars and Osu! Tatakae! Oendan!

well, that's disappointing... they did nothing to change the character model of the Great Fairy...

@Pill_Hell_Tom: British English spelling probably, considering Rockstar is a UK company last I checked.

yay, double standards

I somewhat hope Engrish never goes away.

not liking the indented button layout... also not liking how the screen is STILL out in the open to easily collect dust particles and scratches when not in use.

now what about Quake 2: A Love Story?

image fail, trying again~