
@HitBit: SuperSonic Warriors was like... the best DBZ fighting experience, as if it was apologizing for Taiketsu.

Dragonball Z Taiketsu for the GBA...

so... it's readily clear the whole upskirt/panties fetish is pretty common in Japan since we see it in almost everything from manga, to anime, to even videogames.

through word of mouth... that's pretty much how Star Wars got popular back in the 70s.

...I can't help but be reminded of that old Windows 95/98 screensaver that had a multi-colored cube float around and transforming into a sharp star and back again

Mortal Kombat would break new ground and piss off parents like they did with the 90s with violence... now it's gonna be with rape.

what I'd give to eat a big chunk of beef in front of an irked PETA member while telling them the taste is orgasmic XP

I say he looks like a young Uncle Ruckus... those eyes are freaking me out.

I know Crash has his fans and such, but... he's been having it far worse than Sonic these days.

from what I heard others compare it to: it's like a girlfriend, it's better if she's a virgin rather than to have her used... it just feels more like it's "yours".

they've been selling those the past few years, it's all Christmas tree ornament-style.

@ViralArtist: I heard Smugleaf and Wotter around the 'net, but Pignite sounds as clever as Wotter.

so... basically we turned a simple toy for toddlers/monkey intelligence test toy and made it into a puzzle game for adults?

I've heard of this game since about the earliest issues of videogame magazines I started to own (Genesis/SNES era), I've been wondering what it was all about and why it gets so much love...

it could also use a filter to make the voices and music sound slightly muffled and grainy, just to further add to the authenticity.

Sonic Colors, Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Monster Hunter Tri and Minecraft are all on the agenda for me.