
oh look, more material "proving" video games are turning kids into murderers... isn't that great, Jack Thompson?

X confirmed!

the music and sound in that video felt pretty slow.

Happy Wheels!


@Tenacious_Z: with an equally as large audience

so... basically the PS2 Jaws game, but on land, different characters (animals) to choose from and hopefully doesn't suck.

@Mr. Plow: unlikely, considering the N64 hasn't gotten any new games for nearly 10 years

@Elguachojkis: I just searched "Isaac Newton Apple" on Google's Image search and found it there

even Sir Isaac Newton is perplexed

makes me feel less lonely about my opinion that Mario World was the best... everyone kept clamoring about how awesome 3 was, but compared to World... it feels like a step backwards.

Gotta give that kid some credit, he made it to world 8 even though he had a huge crowd AND the creator of the game watching his every move...

since I dunno how to link to Twitter tweets...

parents can easily change the channel or turn off the TV or even not agree to buy a particular game for their kids...

I feel old remembering the good old days of using those outdated devices...