
My first language is Hawaiian Pidgin Creole (pidgin), my second language is proper English thanks to school. My third language is French as a result of 7 years of study, and I would consider myself fairly fluent (still even 8 years later I can read with no problem). The fourth language I'm working on now is

which makes the whole debate kind of useless if you're not going to count languages that DO exist and are used.

my pirated DVDs look a lot better than that! nice cover, insert, label on disc.

well have a good trip, I really enjoy Qingdao - especially compared to Tianjin! Make sure you get a bag of beer.

ah, of course it's Beijing. I always get so excited when I read an article about "China" and then it turns out it's either Beijing or Shanghai.

XBMC is currently developing a PVR branch with live-TV abilities, you could look into that.

yes that's exactly what happens - crashplan and timemachine don't play well together, there's a support or FAQ at the crashplan site about this.

Yeah, I'm a big fan of using "I'll add it to my list".

let's add DeVry to that list too.

Yeah, it seems like they inevitably say that the only solution to stop the island sinking is for the UN to give them a billion dollars. This reeks of a political move and money grab more than anything.

I still don't get how it's a $1 million dollar hackathon if the top prize is $60k.

this was my thought exactly. It also helps that I watched "Transformers" last night - and I rolled when the "hacker" turned over in like 2 seconds.

that's interesting, the upgrade price is exactly the same as the education price. Guess I should have waited before buying this last month and thinking I'd just upgrade.

you don't take your Uke with you everywhere you go? I do - it's a constant source of fun for me, annoyance for my wife, and embarrassment for the kid!

I recommend WordPress pretty frequently. And I don't think it's like saying iPhone > Android. I think it depends on what the user wants, not now technologically proficient I think I am.

seriously, if you're using WYSIWYG you're not doing it right.

Perhaps I'm just old.

I think that's starting to shift though - because I would consider HTML5 and CSS3 @media queries development. But yeah, this wasn't about dev.

that was the giveaway for me too even on the small thumbnails on the homepage.

alright, but it'd better not be anything like my copy of Pinspire called "Pinsight"