
im only 25 but i've lived in 4 different decades, 2 centuries and 2 different millennium.

It finally happened.

Mouth cancer, yo.

How is that using the Wii U to its fullest? It's not, but the graphics are lovely, yes? The Wii U part of this is that the Wii U GamePad serves as a tappable engineering control panel for you ship. You don't just use control sticks and buttons to fly around. You're tapping around on engineering touch panels, Star

If we are honest, Nintendo has had better console releases on average. Fewer random console killing/bricking glitches/tech/updates than Sony and Microsoft. You at least know that your hardware will will function. Whether or not you will have any games worth playing on your functioning console is the question.

Now playing

I was expecting this video from a few last year...

Sounds like there will be a lot of coverage on this.

I think this and/or Heroes of the Storm might be the games that finally get me into a MOBA-ish game after all these years.

This is brilliant but to keep it Blizzard-themed I think it should be the phonetic spelling of Murloc sounds.

I propose two alternate modes: Zombie and Matt Damon. In both, you click on the toxic player's name and select one of these options. Forever more, their chat just comes out as either "Braaains!" or the like, or "Matt Damon!" (from Team America). So you know that they're saying stuff, but it all comes out as amusing

Hunting horn if I'm online.

I will not print this and color it. I am an adult. I will not...

One of his last tweets. Kick the habit man.

I'm just posting this for people that don't understand the confusion of the colors.

Videogame development in a big, harsh, rotten nutshell: