I don’t know HOW many times I’ve had to boot up my copy of FF7 to prove I wasn’t remembering it wrong.
I don’t know HOW many times I’ve had to boot up my copy of FF7 to prove I wasn’t remembering it wrong.
You know why all those people are dead? Not a single upper floor had handrails or guards. Those people just fell right off. Blam. The people attacking you aren’t zombies or anything. They’re just overly zealous pro-handrail activists.
Blizzard does this too. I've seen it happen on some of the purchasable pets. Probably just has to churn out more codes.
My only big issue is the retail exclusive ones. I’ve got noooooo problem ordering ones I really want from the french amazon site or what have you, but the retail exclusive ones are pretty much scalper only territory.
The only time I EVER wanted a surrender button was when my team was falling behind and TWO of the guys just up and stopped. And we weren’t even that far behind, they just didn’t like the way the rest of the team was playing. So there wasn’t any way we were really going to make any progress with 3/5 of a team. I’d have…
They missed a golden opportunity. Wulbasaur with a clove of garlic on his back.
Seriously. It's not the first time Nintendo has decided to keep a game in the pot to let it simmer longer and I believe it's probably the right decision. Especially since it seems they've discovered a whole new venue to explore with what they've made.
Yeeaahhh... I'm just going to go with the original report of "planned but still in negotiation/may or may not happen". If I had a buck for every time a Nintendo rep said "Unsubstantiated rumor. I have nothing to report at this time" and then the rumor turned out to be true, I could get another Wii U.
Catoble-please, that's a catoblepas, son.
They'll probably have to follow a similar model. Now and then you receive a chest/box/data-sphere/crystal/what-have-you after finishing a match and you have to pay to unlock it. IF they decide to have varying weaponry/accessories (which they likely will) I'm hoping they do more than just hats.
I actually PAID for TF2 back in the day. Granted, it was part of the Orange Box, but I don't see having people pay 15$ (with some micro-transactions) or so for Overwatch being too far fetched.
But who watches the Overwatchmen?
So it's an interesting premise. I see right now that they are going to have to change their stance on only fighting in the dungeon once though. Once the hype dies down after release and the audience simmers down they'll probably just implement a cooldown period of eligibility for dungeon drafting. I see now though…
Or it all translates to the troll language from WoW. I think it's "Zandali".
Sooo... The next 'Shop contest is about colouring, right?
I know I was looking forward to it. The beta was fun, but still felt like an unfinished game. They added a single player campaign, which it needed, but it still feels like a bare bones game with an outrageous cost.
For most people, I believe the issue with the DLC is that it looks like an obvious cash grab as opposed to trying to increase play time or lower immediate purchase costs. They started advertising that you could get an extra monster through DLC or pre-purchase in ALPHA. Meaning that before the gameplay was even…
For most people, I believe the issue with the DLC is that it looks like an obvious cash grab as opposed to trying to increase play time or lower immediate purchase costs. They started advertising that you could get an extra monster through DLC or pre-purchase in ALPHA. Meaning that before the gameplay was even…
I want to like Monster Hunter. I really do. I just can't get over the controls. It's appropriate that your helpers are feline because it still feels like herding cats. If there targeting or the swings stuck towards the monster I'd like it better, but as it is, I feel like I'm either swinging at air or the monster just…