So the big bad was to be Mumm-Ra?
So the big bad was to be Mumm-Ra?
That could make for interesting business models and applications. I wonder if the chips are small enough to fit in a 3DS cartridge. If Nintendo starts letting people customize their Wii Us like they are with their 3DSs (themes and, in Japan, pins) users could concievably scan their 3DS games to their Wii U for fun…
I've found that training an Amiibo adds a whole new element to the solo experience. Sure, it's fun to battle them with other people, but a Lvl9 CPU works too. Or testing them against yourself once they've become proficient. I'm tempted to get all the pokemon ones just because I'd like a pokemon game with similar…
I believe this song is required.
The CSMs are SUPPOSED to look up the ad on their palm pilots to verify. if it's anything like my store though, there was probably zero training for the new policy. The very first ad online ad match at my store was a photo shopped screenshot. After that people kept trying to price match Amazon and it took a couple…
But they aren't in our universe. :P
OUR evolution says that. The Mario Universe has different physics and natural laws. Like living metal spherical animals with dog like behavior. I like to they use their mobility to gather in order to create spore clouds. Perhaps their festivals have other purposes.
Oh, hey, been a while Tenchu.
It's not spelled crepe. It's spelled creepy. Japan has CREEPY vending machines.
There's a lot of vitriol over these comparison images. I'll judge when I see them in person, but from what I see here, at least, they are decent figures and I know I've paid just as much for worse and smaller figures at the comic shop. They weren't even NFC pets.
OMG, yes! It's like if she were able to open up a restaurant on the side of her shop.
This is true, it'd be harder to get it just right while having to get several people involved in almost every activity. The similarity in ideas is very apparent though. I think what really held Blizzard back in finding the fun was the expected tone. If they tried to make chores fun by making them cute like Level-5, I…
I forgot it was Level-5, then skimmed again after I'd posted. I love those guys. Been following them since Dark Cloud.
Practice your day job, then run out on fantastical adventures? This sounds a LOT like the canceled Project Titan. Guess Nintendo found the fun.
My only real beef with Microsoft putting so much of the content as download instead of on the physical disc is that it isn't long-term friendly. Say I'be deleted the content to make room at one point, and I'm already in the era of the X-Box One-2. I go to try and play it and "Sorry, we know you bought a special…
Dude, I can't remember the last time I could properly fly around on a world map. Getting all nostalgic here.
Can I get a full game of just this? Also, I can't help but be reminded of Samurai Pizza Cats.
Always has been, always will be: The Great Mustachioed Lean Mean Green Machine, Luigi.
Didn't MetaKnight go through the same thing when Brawl came out? Except that he had was super defensive to the point that he could stay airborne and away from people almost indefinitely? People hated him and wanted to ban him until finally people learned how to counter it.