Okay, I gotta admit, this trailer was impressive. For most of it I really couldn't tell if it was a filmed or pre-rendered trailer. Dat sand.
Okay, I gotta admit, this trailer was impressive. For most of it I really couldn't tell if it was a filmed or pre-rendered trailer. Dat sand.
For Microsoft!
That's got to be really nerve wracking.
I don't see that as a bad thing. Little Timmy shouldn't be playing that yet anyway.
I saw the dog pop up and laugh and I could HEAR his chuckle in my head. It FORCED its way in!
I did a couple of these myself.
More like, why not Panama City? I don't want to have to drive 2 hours to Pensacola.
People talking negatively about a product is still people talking about a product. MS doesn't give out a lot of information, maybe sends some mixed signals, and now XBone is the only thing people are talking about right before E3. PS4 hasn't really gone out of the way to send mixed information, just a blurry, hacked…
I think, as far as "new moves" to give Sonic for a game, that Wall Running is a sensible ability to grant him that makes sense with the style of play. A lot better than, say, gaining a WereHog rubber band punch in a running game.
In real estate, this would be "smart investing". In terms of domains, it's considered douchey.
DK was totally grabbing up on that girl's butt at 0:53.
I loled.
The Nintendo Twitter feed actually DID confirm they'll be talking about Mario Kart.
At Best Buy even!
It was certainly movement... I'm not sure dancing is a great description.
Yeah, I nearly spat my drink.
So it's just like having a keynote, except it happens before the start of the actual show that day.
Honestly, during the presentation I got up and took a shower during the NFL bits. I got done and sat back down to watch, then left again the second they said "Call of Duty".
They tend to have less greasy pizza by my experience. They don't bother to trick out the crust tho. I usually prefer it over the other two.