
What a competent refresh rate? I'm eyeing this TV from LG but my minimal knowledge of televisions tells me that 60 isn't so hot anymore.

The Giant Bomb crew were big fans of Renegade Ops (almost made their Top Ten of 2011) They did a neat little quick look you should check out.

So I got a PS3 finally (been using my brothers for the past few years) I have a competent Monitor but I have been looking to upgrade, recommendations? What your personally set-up? Accessories, desks, or peripherals that could enhance my ownership of a PS3?

People forget that just because you have an opinion it doesn't mean it should be voiced. Some people don't deserve a public forum to spill their crap. Think what you want but unless a modicum of thought, research and understanding when into you comment you shouldn't be using words anymore.

Hey! Everyone! This is where I decide to stand on my stance on feminism and sexualizing of video game characters! HERE IS MY OPINION AND SOME EXAMPLES! Bayonetta! Mai Shuranui! Megaman and Zangeif! Also Other M BLOWS!!!!

I was responding to everything you said to everyone. Not just to me and you'r unraveling as you continue typing.

I agree that a dramatic change for the character of Dante may be jarring especially after DmC4 was a disappointment. What I am trying to say is that Dante's character wasn't the only thing driving the DmC franchise and if we could look at this all more objectively I think we'd be able to see that the new Dante isn't

It's not an argument because the comparison is ludicrous and you have yet to inarticulate what "a good fit" means. I'm not going to invent an argument for you.

Maybe just maybe, ALL the things you said were dumb. I understand opinions change and arguments are won and lost but it's hard to care when someone backpeddales on their arguments so much that I can't understand their string of logic anymore. No more things.

So Dante is comparable to your father? You have now lost touch with video games and you need to move on to different interests. It doesn't matter how much you like a video game, a movie a toy when you shut everything off Dante isn't your dad, and any comparison between a fictional character and a living person is

Except for the fact that you clearly don't understand.

"Death threats are taking it too far. That being said though, I completely understand."

Fuck Dante, and fuck his attitude that all of you are so madly in love with. I forgot that everyone liked Devil May Cry because Dante was a lovable prick with slick hair and devilish smile, his wise cracks and witty dialogue melded so perfectly with the world of Devil May Cry; Demons, style, crazy combat. Was it

I was content with this single fact a long time ago: There will be a Half-Life 3. Done, It will happen and we've waited longer for less can we just, chill out?

My current cover.

Fuck him and fuck this "apology" as we all read in PA he is sorry he got caught and this apology is still the same he gave before. Worst is that he still sounds EXACTLY the same only less angry, he still exclaims the people he knows, his job, how above it all he is, and how much of a victim he thinks he is.

Fuck the police.

Looking at it in a more underhanded and evil way I think someone just wanted WoW level success and quickly realized that Star Wars is still a dead horse that vomits money put a brilliant developer and hype it up a little we have a proven formula that is almost guaranteed success. I don't think you have to think to

...OR Nintendo never planned on a grand storyline, they just released games that had similar themes and only got around a timeline around Ocarina (by stating that it was the "first" at the time) and not actually sticking to it and just having fun and releasing more.

The game is apparently set in a "dream world" kinda thing, which sounds like their going to pad the series out with more useless story lines.