
That was great, this the kind of nitpicky loving writing that I like. I know Zelda, I knew this game was gonna be big and fancy and pretty but I just wanted to know some of the strange things that muck up the experience. Drop a heap of character and some basic talk of game design and you have a formula of very

That last line was fantastic.

Not a stretch to say this is the best Simpson game ever, better than most beat em' ups actually. I have been waiting for this game for too long.

Hence my tough man comment. Whip your eyes into shape!

I have Karataconus, your damn baby eyes can handle this.

A game doesn't exist for 5 weeks, eventually several months pass by and used copies are the way most people buy games and the conditions of used copies are steadily rising due to the quality of the disks or the guarantee from retailers. AT that point you are paying for a feature that should in essense be part of the

It should be less about how you feel about business practices and more about the lack of features the game now has due to place of purchase or whether or not the game is new or used. The game should be reviewed based on features that ALL copies share used or otherwise. This includes pre-order bonuses.

But now we are allowing a truly terrifying amount to exist.


Man or Women, I don't care I'd STILL smash my pelvis in her/his crevasses.

I am rather disappointed in the response to more linear games in general. Do you guys really think linear games need to go? Do you really not understand the benefit of having a game be more linear over open? I honestly thought games were becoming a medium where no play style would be thrown away, but now I understand

Why are we throwing around the word "linear" like it's a bad thing? Their is something to be said about a managed experience, Hitman: Absolution looks like it's trying to sell a more solid experience over the likes of it's heavily open-ended predecessors.

Also that looks like Sonic 2.

The first name is going to either AAA, ASS, or CAP.

Here is a breakdown of several comments on the forum and on kotaku itself.

Fuck all of you. Seriously, I can't believe an argument like this exist. I hear words like "TRUEST" and "FAITHFUL" being thrown around here as if they know what the developers have in mind for the series. Fuck you, this isn't a demo or something you have a right to own.

Looks like a skinny crazier Bill Murray.

You know those things aren't comparable right? Sorry that was condescending you obviously don't know they aren't comparable.

Stop talking about Mother 3, please. It burns. I get a strange feeling in my gut when I hear the name and I don't know why. I just have a flashback then I feel inexplicably sad.

It was very akward and sexual. I feel so dirty after watching this video. Is no one else just a bit disturbed that CAPCOM was so upfront about such a grisly murder?