
oi oi


“The male performer can’t say anything back to me or say anything at all. I’d say it just feels a little unnatural.”

Motherfucker. This got me.

Perfect response.

Sure, music samples have been around for decades. But there’s truly no precedent in gaming. I’m not here to determine legality or morality for that matter. I’m just pointing out the very obvious rip offs of other music.

YES. Hoped someone had posted this.

read my thoughts!

...yeahhhh....that’s so clip of the day. >_>

this, this fucking feel right here

I call this service “NoScript” and “Adblock”.

Games are mainstream now. Seriously, late night talk show hosts have interviews about them.

Nerds won. We’ve won for several years now. :)

you win.

Lol I loved turning all the lights off and watching people play Resident Evil for the first time. “Hey, turn down that hallway past those windows....go on....” Oh man, so many controllers dropped to the floor.

I was just about to share a similar story. The dogs in RE terrified me. Then I realised you were 8 years old at the time. I was about 23.

I had on it’s first Christmas and Battle Arena Toshinden was one, then I waited for Mega Man X, Xenogears, Fighting Force, Castlevaynia, Street Fighter(s)(EX, ect.), Bloody Roar and ms some rabbit hopping game( I forgot the name) also the Playstation underground mag was awesome for having loads demos for you to play.

BATTLE ARENA TOSHINDEN! My brother had the second one and we always used to play it. Loved it.

A friend of my brother brought over the Playstation he had to distract me and my buddy while they had a bonfire outside.