
I’ve been driving around lately and seeing Trump/Pence signs spray painted and destroyed. As a Liberal, I’m ashamed of some of the people taking this a little bit too personal. I’ve been going around with freshly acquired Trump/Pence signs and replacing the ones I’ve seen destroyed and leaving a little note... “We’re

You leave your logic out of this! I have to make content that people can quote, damn it! (Though that was what I was going for too. Agreeing with you, but as a ‘but also’ sorta deal)


I wish I could dedicate myself that much. The American Dream is pretty much designed to prevent this sort of life.

What school yard bullshittery Thorin and the rest of the pro league are spouting. I guess that’s what you get when 75% of your viewer base is in their mid-teens— Immaturity from top to bottom. 

There HAS to be some sort of physical/mental evolution in play that makes Koreans natural gods in all games they compete in.

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that this game is going to be so convoluted, it’s going to turn people off of it within two months after release.

Don’t let the kids keep you down. They’ll say that your reflexes go after a certain age, but I’ve found that isn’t the case. They’re just salty.

Yeah. At your age, you actually have a career. Early 20s kids have all the time in the world.

A lot of folks say that reflexes start to go at 27+, but I’m still kicking the shit out of lil’ whipper snappers at 32.

My suspicion is that they really don’t have access to special ‘Dev Tools’ when it comes to Brawls. Just the same stuff we have access to when we’re playing Custom Games.

Don’t let this get you down...

Hey, baby. Lemme show you my RYUU GA, WA GE TE KI WO, KU RA U

The entire running of this anime has been as big of a waste of time as following around two ogres learning about HFIL.

Dear, sweet Genji mains...

It is certainly disappointing. But it’s a lot harder to balance FPS-type heroes over heroes that use 4 abilities and don’t require much aim. I can see why they’re having the issues that they’re having.

And this is why I swore off the competitive scene until Season 2.

Ahh! Thanks. I was hoping someone would come along and point something like that out. The very idea of it is awesome.

Ahh! Thanks. I was hoping someone would come along and point something like that out. The very idea of it is awesome.