
This is new to me, too. I’m 43 and this hasn’t even come up in conversation with friends before. It never occurred to me to tip. What percentage of people tip? I feel horrible if this is very common and I’ve somehow missed it.

$10/day per person for tips? Have you been talking to the Salty Waitress?

We’re supposed to tip the housekeeping staff? This is new information....

If you are not offended then stop crying about it. Trump is a raging lunatic who runs his mouth non-stop and lies and cheats at every turn. Live with it.

Further proof the real snowflakes are on the right, and are as thin-skinned as Trump himself (see his Twitter tantrum yesterday, during which he called for an FBI investigation of SNL for mocking him, as most recent proof). 

He drives me mad, always.

I have more faith in even a beta software than in Donald Trump.

Found the Reaganite

That says more about how shit someone’s masters degree is than how evil a union is.

Fuck you.

I dunno if I agree with that. A 5-year loan is fine in some cases perhaps a 6-year loan could be appropriate on a high value (read: reliable) car that you plan on owning for a long time.

You know it comes in jars.

Don’t drink bottled water.

It really doesn’t take that long to prep it yourself. If you’re just out and about randomly running errands, that’s one thing. I’m referring to eating lunch during the workweek, which is where most of these sorts of restaurants do a lot of their business.

We get a lot of affluent Caucasian individuals who are willing to pay those monthly fees for equinox and soul cycle and rumble, we have doctor’s, celebrities, the list goes on.

It’s almost as if she doesn’t think through the things she blurts out of her mouth.

And you'll tell anyone you can about it any chance you get.

“How can I get the kids to stop using the F-bomb when it’s everywhere we look.”

That was a pretty fucking nasty reply. What the fuck ,man? 

My early term abortion was a welcome relief and paved the way for good things for many people (myself, my children, the father, the father’s eventual marriage and family). I’m sorry you had such a bad experience and hope you continue to get help with what you experienced.  Early abortion is not usually traumatic to