Last year she said Biden “invaded her space” and stroked her hair, and she says he digitally penetrated her without consent. Meanwhile, her tweet praising Putin was role-playing theoretical poetry, or something.
Last year she said Biden “invaded her space” and stroked her hair, and she says he digitally penetrated her without consent. Meanwhile, her tweet praising Putin was role-playing theoretical poetry, or something.
Why don’t you just reply directly to people instead of being a cowardly little bitch?
I don’t think this person likes differing opinions or facts for that matter. I mentioned that Bernie slipped and revealed himself rather meh on topics he doesn’t like discussing at the last debate after getting confronted on his prior history of gun support and got a string of insults in response.
Nice to see this site won’t stop shitting on Biden even when he’s pretty much the guaranteed party nominee. Much better to have 4 years of Trump!
You do know they had a 1 v 1 debate right? Then Bernie went and got crushed in a another series of large states?
Lol okay. Lord 50 Stents should be worried about making his concession speech. It’s over. If he could destroy him, he probably should have done that before now.
Why does Joe Biden starting a podcast need snarky comment? If you don’t have anything interesting to say, can you just shut the fuck up already?
“And now that he has a studio set up in his home, there’s no excuse for Biden to hide from the American people nor his role as assumed Democratic nominee for president.”
It can’t be that hard. If it were work, Sarah Palin wouldn’t have gotten within fifty miles of it.
Next up, Big Brother Alaska offers Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Roman Polanski and Bill Cosby an all expenses paid stay at the fishing hut.
Next season on Big Brother Alaska, The Palins and Lisa Murkowski live in a fishing hut outside of Juno. The twist is all that “drill baby drill” bullshit comes home to roost when they are eaten by malnourished polar bears.
Thank God we dodged that bullet and never had an idiot for a president.
I simply don’t understand the appeal of this show. It seems canned beyond even canned reality TV. The hosts just.. cringe inducingly overreact.. and I could give two shits about the vast majority of the “stars.”
I, for one, celebrate another milestone in the downward spiral of an odious person who could have been a heart-beat away from the most powerful (at the time) position on Earth.
Let’s be clear about who the spoiler is: Sarah Palin. It’s Sarah Palin.
Fuck you Sarah Palin for having such a cute ass fursuit. She needs to give it to me and go back to Alaska. I need that suit for strategic boy attracting purposes.
I’m not even going to watch this. I’m just going to look away. It neither merits nor requires my attention. Thank you for telling me about it, Rich. I appreciate the warning.
Bernie’s Obama ad is the height of disgusting, to have wanted the first black President to be primaried and then when the chips are down claim that you were totes besties is peak politician slime.
This piece deserves a ten minute standing ovation. I mean that Bernie interview last night was peak dude bros. Now to all you so called woke black folks ripping us “establishment low information stuck on the plantation black voters” I have some questions: After hearing Vermont Jesus last night say “Jim Clyburn and I…
No, everyone hated Russell. Rupert was a narcissist and bully wrapped in “lovable big guy” clothes. I saw right through him.