
The first (and maybe second) season was curious and amusing, but I still think this show will be quickly forgotten once ended. Trolls have been very generous with their personal opinions about me when I write this. But none, as yet, have actually detailed what exactly makes this a good series.

They should get rid of Noel. I’m surprised a contestant hasn’t told him to fuck off - he’s always in the way. And he’s not funny. 

I will always and forever appreciate Kotaku’s commitment to not mince words in their headlines.

As a native Spanish speaking person, I can assure you that bit about Luz confusing feminazi with TERF is pure bullshit

The thing is, even if Luz didn’t know that there was an issue of miscommunication there, it seems like he got it pointed out to him. What person who is anti-TERF would not update their bio the moment the mistake gets pointed out?

That he feels comfortable trotting out that defense is pretty solid proof that he sees the whole issue as one of saying the Correct Magic Words and he doesn’t understand – or care about – just how much of his whole bare ass he’s shown by shrugging when people told him his bio was kinda fucked up.

For the record, that argument is bullshit. There are frequent tweets and retweets in his feed criticizing government spend on protection of abused women and spreading the usual alt-right drivel about the left ¨only being feminist until the islamists step in” and bullshit like that.

So if the whole episode can be that analogy, what does it mean? That the way to get through to Republicans is to allow them to keep fighting you? That they live for the idea of screwing with people according to their worldview and that a fair, functioning society is a constant battle between educators and

But--but--the rich are job creators!

Avatar is easily one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. It was so over the top and yet...incredibly lazy?

The public’s relationship with Avatar is so weird. It made more money than any movie in history (a record it held until a few months ago), and I don’t know that I’ve ever met anybody who thought it was a really good movie worth seeing more than once. A couple weeks ago, I tried to watch it with my daughter (who had

Well 1 out of 3 is all I give Bernie; there is/was nothing in Bernie’s income-blind, colorblind rhetoric for poor and black voters, which is why he still doesn’t garner their support. What Bernie and his white working-class bros fail to understand is that you can’t run a campaign rife with sexual harassment and gender-

“The things that the Democratic Party prioritizes to win suburban white women in Lehigh prevent the Democratic Party from helping the people that Bernie was winning; “fiscal conservatism”, for instance, is a code word for “we won’t do anything for poor, young and black people that might jeopardize your

I guess the problem with this argument is that Clinton won the black vote during the primary, and her black support during the general election was on par with what other Democratic candidates have gotten in the past, with the exception of the first black major party presidential candidate/first black sitting

I don’t understand what’s wrong with assuming the Democratic Party’s base will turn out on election day. If we couldn’t assume it would turn out, we wouldn’t call it “the base.” It would just be a bunch of voters we hope will vote for us.

*cough* Nina Turner *cough*

Actually, I think the main reason why it has traction is because the people whom Bernie attracts are the same people that the institutional Democratic Party has been telling to eat shit for thirty years.

But he would’ve won.

Excellent points. Chappelle’s act of smoking a cigarette is a reflection of the unthinking nature of his supposed acts of “transgression”: he’ll rebel against anything, even good things like LGBTQ inclusivity or denunciation of sexual predators — or rules against smoking. Being mindlessly contrarian is not a virtue;

At the same time, I wish Chappelle had been doing something else that night. His homo/transphobia and sexism are hard to reconcile even with the welcome ‘transgressive’ nature of comedy. You could really feel the spirit of both gratitude and “we have paid our dues, so we slay” on that stage. But Chappelle just pulls