
Any time I hear a comedian talk about how they have to “take risks” and whatnot, it always strikes me as a pathetic, feeble excuse. The risk in comedy is not being funny, but the idea that shitting on some group of disadvantaged people is a risk makes so little sense.

Well, the point of my comment wasn’t that I agree or disagree with your criticism of the author. It is pointing out that for all the handwringing about the perniciousness of cancel culture, all that cancel culture is is criticizing content people with a platform put out into the world, which is neither new nor

You could call it Cancel Culture, or you could call it People Who Lose Their Gigs Due to Incompetence (for example, a comedian who has ceased to be funny).

Good list, loads of shows I’m now adding to my queue... but I’m sure I’m one of a million lesbians and fans of female-driven period dramas that are screaming GENTLEMAN JACK!!!!!! at their screens right now.

Can we throw on people complaining about pc culture too and kill two birds with one stone?

I’d be down to cancel “Cancel Culture”, if we define it as the whiny bleat of someone getting pushback for being a shitty human being. That’s far more aggravating than actual cancel culture, which really doesn’t exist and is much less corrosive than shitheaded pissants who rail against “snowflakes” and grossly

The under-50 ones do, and they tend to be the toxic ones.

He’s doing it to specifically be an asshole. Also let’s be clear, it’s not just water vapour. If you started vaping at my table I’d politely ask you to stop. 

Here’s a nice life hack: Don’t double-down when proven wrong.

$1,528 spent on Steam games. He probably didn’t have to explain to the judge that he didnt play most of them. Because thats how steam works.

All of the stuff you say he is is more typical of entitled white men than millennials. Plus, he’s not a millennial. 

Greenlighting this ad says a lot about the wherewithal of Peloton’s executive leadership.

“That’s a great idea! Can we do it with a fit, attractive person instead?”

You don't expect him to dry his sweaters on hangers, do you?

He’s unofficially on the payroll as Secretary of the Interior...the Interior of Trump’s Ass.

“Seeing the paycheck warms her heart, but can it fill the the hole in her soul? No, but it will buy nachos, which are fucking delicious.”

I doubt Alex Jones uses soap.

Tyler Durden knew how to do something useful though: Make soap.

Nothing averts the negative attention of people laughing at your ad like sounding defensive, then self-owning with a supporter who can’t afford your product!

Considering how many sickos out there eagerly cheer corporations[...]”