
They announced this pizza for the western audience, but there’s no release date.

Mario Kart has always had some element of bs, lest we forget in Super Mario Kart, computer players could spawn their own unique items at will.

I’d like a remaster or a sequel to Kid Icarus Uprising. That game was great on 3DS, but playing for too long with touch controls like that always have my hand a cramp.

Read the title as figurative instead of literal. Still true.

Can you take your precious little leaf to death mountain? No. Why? Because leaf sucks

So, does this mean you lose at parenting?

Clicked through to see if there would be a haiku, was not disappointed.

Thanks for this. I wasn’t sure what requirements public service loan forgiveness had. Good to know that I haven’t been wasting my time until I get to sit down with a supervisor to look at it.

Ah, didn’t know that about the name switch. Thanks all!

Is it bothering anyone else that they put that the wrong name under Bison’s health bar?

Man, last year was terrible, but so far this new year isn’t doing much to change things. I’m not even talking about political stuff. Meh.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

A series of power outages wiped my hard drive, so I occasionally do the same thing.

I didn’t see Super Hypercube until recent, but it draws some serious comparisons to this older 3DS digital game called Ketzal’s Corridors.

Maybe we need chiropractors to help straighten out these facts. (Get it? Straighten? Cause they’re... Never mind...)

The face looks pretty much the same, but also of note is the hair. Excepting the mullet, you see the same lines leading towards the back of the head as well as a similar small tuft of bangs. They clearly wanted people to make this kind of connection.

And we all thought Team Rocket was evil for genetically engineering Mewtwo...

That gif at the top of the article... I... I can’t stop watching it...

Rarely, but there are certain times I would.
