The infinite scroll claims another victim...
The infinite scroll claims another victim...
He should go back to where he came from. But mars is obviously full!
This all day, we get my in-laws a chicken every Sunday. While it’s easier for them it definitely has super high sodium content.
The amount of “stuff that people like actually sucks!” content on here is getting to be a bit much. I’m not a cruise guy but there are people who dig them. What happened to the whole “don’t yuck other people’s yum” thing?
Cops are awful. The reason they’ve lost the public’s respect is entirely because of their abhorrent behavior.
Years ago, I had a friend apply for a small-town police job and I was called for a reference. I rattled on about how he was the smartest guy in our college class and I enjoyed talking politics with him. The…
LMAO get fucked bootlicker.
Let me pull your bootlicking ass out of the greys for a tick...
Back in those simpler, naive times, they assumed that other people in the party would filter out the worst of humanity rather than ‘win at any cost’, and that the electorate wouldn’t vote strict party line regardless of the character and history of the candidate.
Wow, cheating on her while she was getting cancer treatment. Just when you think a situation couldn’t be more terrible than it already is...
You could legitimately be asked the same question about your question. The commenter’s advice is at least as useful as anything in the article, and some of us appreciated the added information.
Honest question: what exactly do you think you’re contributing with a comment like this?
For novice egg-freezers, it might be helpful to say explicitly, “We’re talking about cracking eggs into containers, not freezing them in their shells.”
I think Jennifer’s Body could be on that list too
But at least it wasn’t a slideshow.
Good advice and bad advice pay the same when your business model doesn’t require return customers.
There’s like a 90% chance that judge has sexually assaulted people himself.
Real practical advice here.
between “how to make sugar water” and “don’t pay any of your bills on auto pay if you’re broke” Lifehacker really seems to be circling the drain here.
Also, other option if you feel like reading these slideshows, is to shrink the window down to half your screen, and hit refresh to re-load videos. It thinks you’re on mobile, and slideshows don’t exist on mobile. Instead, it’s just a long scroll.