
Sounds like you were around back in those days.
You jumped in on a finished thread seeking relevance and acceptance. You cared about it more than we did to come back a day later for a hug. You got none. You maybe accustomed to that so enjoy your version of happiness, Midge.

LOL. Like a Bozo, you invited yourself into a conversation that was completely over, as if a referee was asked for. Give us a break with the clutching of the pearls, Gladys. You are not the internet mediator. Get bent somewhere you’re appreciated.

That was all yesterday, over and done, and you want to stir it up again today. Fuck off, Blanche and tend to your own affairs, ass hat.

You’re not as poetic as you think, Starfish. If masochism is your kink try Reddit.

I can appreciate how much pressure you are under to be so lonely and compelled to find relevant contact in the void. But the exaggeration comes across as desperate. How pathetically thirsty you must be to put that much work into a comment. Seek help butt nuts, you were never invited in.

Proud of your response? Cool. We settled our discourse but you felt privileged enough to think anyone cares about your take. Thanks for tuning in spectator, you can go back under that rock now.

Now playing

In a past life I was a battle rapper that watched a lot of Seinfeld

I’m guessing you live life as an ass, online.

Don’t project. You are not in her head. Everybody should deal with their own demons. Tagging them both shows there was nothing to hide. Stop acting like it was a DM.

I’m not a fan of Olivia Wilde, ASAP Rocky or Harry Styles. But that people feel so strongly to think, it seemed like Wilde was going after the very-much-partnered rapper” makes them a bunch of Bozo’s. One can just as easily say that one celebrity woman is giving props to another celebrity woman and her man! They seem

If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.
If you can’t clap on beat, sit nod you head and clap at the end of the performance

“the system worked.” is code.

I took the Stop The Bleed course (actually took it twice and am currently getting it taught at other organizations like community centers and churches). Though the bleeding slide is technically correct it is woefully simplistic. Knowing when to pack a wound and apply a tourniquet may very well mean the difference

The people responsible for this either know better and did this on purpose or are completely unqualified for their jobs.

If this isn’t a horror movie plot, what is?

This is a great list. And I am sure there are several others that can be added that would be of value to many.
However, one that I know is left off of many compilations like this, is the African Burial Ground National Monument. An outdoors installation along with an adjacent museum in lower Manhattan. To take the tour

Pitching an idea that has been done for decades in some form or fashion is not pitching an idea. Its telling them they should do something that has been done for decades.
No matter who it was directed at, that is not something to beef about on social media. It only comes across shallow and desperate for clout.

America, where the lowest of the lows can reach the highest of the highs and the downs are never out... One is entitled to blindly believe this bs if they are conservative, MAGA, holding a false sense of entitlement and white.

This advertotial post is brought to you by the Dairy Distributors of America.
I would never keep eight cheeses in my house for no reason what so ever. I value my regularity too much.

Well, I am not gonna let you leave out Arnold Schwarzenegger, Vanessa Williams and James Caan.