
I would have like to hear a full out diss track on or the incels and conservative snowflakes that had beef with her over that track. I think the uproar would have been entertaining.

You can tell when people feel that they are above consequences by how reckless they get with their mouth. His native impulse is devoid of humility. Power can make a person. How they use it can do harm to others as well as themselves.

The Master Race, in a race to the bottom of society.

Personally, I see a baby with what I perceive to be a real gun, like in the situation we see in the recording, I am pretty positive I have to do something to get that weapon out of that baby’s hand. I am not judging the neighbor, but I couldn’t image the therapy I would have needed if the unthinkable happened and I

Talking about dark skinned black women is actually talking about ALL black women. He needs to disappear.

These southern white gentlemen would lose their shit to the point of spontaneous combustion if women or minorities would ever come to have the power or privilege they have attained but not earned.

What European civilizations learned, used and became known as the originators of, that was actually technology the got from other societies in Africa and Asia, is severely underrated and under reported (even here on Lifehacker).
Also, there needs to be a series that talks about how people are dumb enough to believe

“I hope his mother’s ghost haunts him for the rest of his days”

Completely irrelevant when one has no moral fabric or soul to haunt. The dead don’t matter when one is dead to the world.

Oh, agreed! He already knows he’s only there for a good time, not a long time.

Republican voters are suckers. They vast majority in his district will still stick with him because they will willingly believe he will still do a good job, even when everything he said to get himself in office is a fairy tale.
Republican lawmakers are shitty and immoral. None of them will speak up to have him

Candice Owens is no one to use as an example for anything remotely righteous. Anything she says, that may on the surface seem like a logical concept for Black people to embrace, is just a stunt for her to lull people into her shitty dogma.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Always remember, for every suck ass politician with low life moral fiber, there are thousands of constituents in his/her district that voted for them and continue to support their policies no matter how reprehensible.
There are a lot of small minded, bitter and ugly people in this world.

We are a nation of idiots.
If the Pink Sauce and Ring of Fire concepts don’t prove it, the fight prank, showing the extent grown ass adults will go to scam their own childrens’ trust, is enough to remove all doubt this country deserves nothing.

The ones claiming to be the most righteous are often the ones most wicked.

GOP dogma: it’s not a crime unless you get caught, if you get caught it is not a crime if you can explain it away (blame the victim, what aboutisms, conspiracy theories).
It is only a crime if it happens to them.

At This Point, Why Are We Still Listening to Him?”

I ask myself the same thing whenever I see someone post something about him.

Suckers, suckers who supported her.

Classy ass family.
When he was gov. of NJ he had the beaches closed because of a statewide governmental shutdown. But that didnt stop him from taking his family on a seaside outing. He’s a big turd, so no surprise that some of his family are too.

a once-famous rapper named Yung Joc whom I honestly had to Google search” says you kinda not the one that can contribute the most to this piece that actually needs no attention.
Also, it would have been nice if you had the capacity to actually mention women rappers that are still current and successful.
But really,

Noted, however I feel an argument can be made for both :D