
There is absolutely nothing brave about him. He will be remembered as a lowlife politician and his likeness and civic depravity will be caricatured in future Netflix dramedies.

If she really feels like a breakout cry because her meal takes long then she should also seek medical leave and just order Uber Eats.

Another asshat using the “sorry” not sorry, line to communicate dumbassery. Do you need braille on your monitor or a literary interpreter? The OP SPECIFICALLY wrote, “North Americans (and British)“. Did you completely miss that? And the topic on the piece is how people use racist symbolism. You can’t see how that

“I’m sorry...but”, “you people” and get over it” are terms usually reserved for the biggest of asshats.

It is understandable that some people in one part of the world may not know what is offensive in other parts. The influencers that learned about the problem either took the post down, apologized or both. But some

It’s great that Criterion is highlighting Black films and supporting the protest and extension of diverse voices and stories. It would also be great to share some networks that have been doing that since inception.

This is a digital racist version of if we don’t play the games I want to play, I will take my toys and go. In simpler times, when her group was all rich, white and conflict free, they could do, act and say what they wanted. But once the light hit them, their true colors showed out (pun intended). So closing a group as

Good start... Also, we can always go to Black sources for information on Black businesses. Those websites and media properties need traffic too. I can definitely compose a whole list but for starters I will go with;

Take his name off of it and no one will have a problem with what ever she wants to do. But she put his name on it. And something about that doesn’t sit right. 

Not everyone. We are all different, build, needs and schedule. I have used it over the years and have found it useful. But under different circumstances than the commenter above. And it has helped me way more than 5%.

Today’s topic is black face, let’s just focus on that for a minute. Other groups can fight their fight as well, but let’s not water down the point of this post.

You seriously believe that the dynamics of your city set the rules for everyplace else? That particular theoretical “can be done” argument is not gonna last in this here and now. I’d wager there are as many markets in Brooklyn as there are in Chicago. And Brooklyn is just one borough in five.

This is soooo NYC.
I just returned from the supermarket. One of the things I wanted was a little deli meat (yeah, I know, but I had a taste for honey turkey). The deli guy had no mask on. I turned and left. The next market I tried, the deli guy had his mask over his mouth but below his nose. I dipped out on that note. I

A sign at the door is nonsense. Those are put up so that the store owners don’t look bad. No one is paying attention to those. And unfortunately most stores can;t afford to have a person dedicated to policing code.

You are the worse, “there are literally trees taller than 100 ft”. I love it!

You swam all the way over here to take a movie tropes and quotes conversation, literally? Tool out, Sports Fan. 

NO. They are tied for dumb. They are one dumb hive mind. The only contest is which one will do more dumb actions. But on intellect, equally devoid. Empty is empty.

I did make that a little confusing. That part was actually pulled from the original post not the movie. The author said “I did not have a full understanding of the term” and that’s what I spun off of.

It was just in the scene when Neo saw the cat twice as they were walking up the staircase. It was considered “a glitch in the Matrix”. That’s when it started getting real.

If you have never watched The Matrix you do not have a full understanding of “the term”, “there is no spoon”, “deja vu”, “not like this” or “Coppertop.”